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为了在全日制学校中进一步地贯彻执行党和政府的教育方针,全面地安排教学、劳动和学生生活,特作如下规定:一、关于高等学校教学、劳动和假期时间的安排(1)高等学校每年的教学、劳动和假期的时间,由于学校的性质和修业年限不尽一致,不能强求一律。教学时间一般规定为七个半月至八个半月(三十三周至三十七周),学生生产劳动的时间一般规定为两个月至三个月(八周至十三周),假期一般规定为一个半月(六周至七周)。各校分别按学校的性质、修业年限、不同年级和专业的特点具体安排,可以适当地增加或减少。劳动时间可以分散或适当集中使用,必要时可占用部分假期时间(不超过二周)。学生参加校外社会公益劳动的时间每年一般不超过半个月。假期劳动和社会公益劳动都包括在规定的两个月至三个月的劳动时间以 In order to further implement the Party’s and the government’s education policy and to arrange teaching, labor, and student life in full-time schools, the following provisions are made: 1. Arrangements for teaching, labor, and vacation time in colleges and universities (1) Institutions of higher learning The time of teaching, labor, and holidays each year is not consistent because of the inconsistent nature of the school and the years of study. Teaching time is generally stipulated as seven and a half months to eight and a half months (33 weeks to 37 weeks). Students’ production labor time is generally set to be two months to three months (from eight weeks to thirteen weeks). Holidays are generally defined as One and a half months (six weeks to seven weeks). Schools are specifically arranged according to the nature of the school, the length of years of study, different grades, and the characteristics of the profession, and can be appropriately increased or decreased. Working hours can be dispersed or properly used, and if necessary, part of the holiday can be used (no more than two weeks). The time for students to participate in public welfare work outside the school generally does not exceed half a year each year. Both holiday and social work include the required working hours of two months to three months.
题解 1.T-H蛋白是由肾小管髓袢厚升支分泌。 2.肾病综合征患者HDL下降,游离脂肪酸增加使含甘油三酯的脂蛋白含量上升,而排除下降。由于高脂血症使心血管病发生的危险性增加,
竞赛大纲(1985/1986大纲的分栏排列版,但对原大纲稍有修改。1989年7月在波兰华沙初步通过,并于1990年7月在荷兰 Groningen 进行讨论,决定作为1991年使用的大纲.~*)总纲(1985
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对于地震,仿佛离我很遥远,一直都没有什么概念。1976年的唐山大地震更只是听说过。直到汶川地震的发生,我才略微对地震有了一点认识。 For the earthquake, as if far away