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随着新课程标准改革的深入,初中学生的学习理念与学习方法、学习手段都在发生着巨大的变化,传统的教学已经无法适应当前初中教学的要求。不管是化学教师还是学生自身都需要更高的课堂教学质量。虽然大部分初中课堂已经响应新课改的号召,在不断改革课堂教学模式,但现阶段的改革并不彻底,初中化学课堂教学仍存在许多弊端和问题,本文以初中化学课堂教学为研究背景,对初中化学教学的现状进行了深入的观察与分析,总结了当前初中化学教学课堂中存在的各类问题,并提出了解决问题的一系列方法和策略。 With the deepening of the reform of the new curriculum standards, the learning philosophy, learning methods and learning methods of junior middle school students have undergone tremendous changes. The traditional teaching can no longer meet the current requirements of junior high school teaching. Both chemistry teachers and students themselves need higher quality of classroom teaching. Although most of the junior high school classrooms have already responded to the call of the new curriculum reform and constantly reform the classroom teaching mode, the current reform is not complete. There are still many drawbacks and problems in the junior middle school chemistry classroom teaching. Based on the junior middle school chemistry classroom teaching, The status quo of chemistry teaching in junior middle schools is deeply observed and analyzed. Various kinds of problems existing in the chemistry teaching class of junior high schools are summarized. A series of methods and tactics to solve the problems are put forward.
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