A Comparative Study on the Role of Cytokinins in Caryopsis Development in the Maize miniature1 Seed

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunday_sky
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We report here on a comparative developmental profile of plant hormone cytokinins in relation to cell size,cell number and endoreduplication in developing maize caryopsis of a cell wall invertase-deficient miniature1(mn1) seed mutant and its wild type,Mn1,genotype.Both genotypes showed extremely high levels of total cytokinins during the very early stages of development,followed by a marked and genotype specific reduction.While the decrease of cytokinins in Mn1 was associated with their deactivation by 9-glucosylation,the absolute and the relative part of active cytokinin forms was higher in the mutant.During the exponential growth phase of endosperm between 6 d after pollination and 9 d after pollination,the mean cell doubling time,the absolute growth rate and the level of endoreduplication were similar in the two genotypes.However,the entire duration of growth was longer in Mn1 compared with mn1,resulting in a significantly higher cell number in the Mn1 endosperm.These data correlate with the previously reported peak levels of the Mn1-encoded cell wall invertase-2(INCW2) at 12 d after pollination in the Mn1 endosperm.A model showing possible crosstalk among cytokinins,cell cycle and cell wall invertase as causal to increased cell number and sink strength of the Mn1 developing endosperm is discussed. We report here on a comparative developmental profile of plant hormone cytokinins in relation to cell size, cell number and endoreduplication in developing maize caryopsis of a cell wall invertase-deficient miniature1 (mn1) seed mutant and its wild type, Mn1, genotype.Both genotypes showed extremely high levels of total cytokinins during the very early stages of development, followed by a marked and genotype specific reduction. Whilst the decrease of cytokinins in Mn1 was associated with their deactivation by 9-glucosylation, the absolute and the relative part of active cytokinin forms was higher in the mutant. During the exponential growth phase of endosperm between 6 d after pollination and 9 d after pollination, the mean cell doubling time, the absolute growth rate and the level of endoreduplication were similar in the two genotypes. entire duration of growth was longer in Mn1 compared with mn1, resulting in a significantly higher cell number in the Mn1 endosperm. data correlate with the previously reported peak levels of the Mn1-encoded cell wall invertase-2 (INCW2) at 12 d after pollination in the Mn1 endosperm. A model showing possible crosstalk among cytokinins, cell cycle and cell wall invertase as causal to increased cell number and sink strength of the Mn1 developing endosperm is discussed.
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那是十三年前的一个江南的小镇,一家小小的绸缎店铺里,降生了一个有着绸缎般光滑皮肤的女孩子。  爸爸兴奋地抱着这个小公主般的婴孩吻了又吻,他的唇上沾着江南水乡的温润气息。妈妈微笑着,点上一盏红蜡烛灯笼。在灰蒙蒙的夜色里,小船已停泊靠岸,鸬鹚也歇息了。一家三口就着水面的倒影,铺开饭桌,摆上碗筷。水面波光静谧。偶尔谁家唱着摇篮曲,将月光推向了水乡的波心,泛起涟漪。  在肖雨翾三岁的时候,她就喜欢轻轻拉开