Water-saving Agriculture:An Urgent Issue

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mai120117
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The twentieth century has witnessed the great effort of mankind to strive for more food production,which has led to an unprecedentedincrease in grain production known as the First Green Revolution.As mankind entered the 21st century,the Blue Revolution-thestruggle in agriculture for better use of water resources-has just begun.Norman E.Borlaug,1970 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate,said in 2000, “how can we continue to expand food production for a growing world population within the parameters of likely wateravailability?The inevitable conclusion is that humankind in the 21st Century will need to bring about a‘Blue Revolution-morecrop for every drop’to complement the‘Green Revolution’of the 20th Century.Water use productivity must be wedded to land useproductivity.Science and technology will be called upon to show the way”. The twentieth century has witnessed the great effort of mankind to strive for more food production, which has led to an unprecedented gain in grain production known as the first Green Revolution. As mankind entered the 21st century, the Blue Revolution-the struggling in agriculture for better use of water resources-has just begun. Norman E. Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, said in 2000, “how can we continue to expand food production for a growing world population within the parameters of likely wateravailability? The inevitable conclusion is that humankind in the 21st Century will need to bring about a’Blue Revolution-morecrop for every drop’to complement the’Green Revolution’of the 20th Century. Water use productivity must be wedded to land useproductivity. Science and technology will be called upon to show the way ”.
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