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国家旅游局规划发展与财务司司长魏小安在中国休闲经济国际论坛上表示,中国休闲产业的发展,首先要尽快落实国家规定的“带薪休假”制度。魏小安说,在过去的“黄金周”中,国内旅游景点出现的“到了假日出门游,游到景区看人头”现象,给交通、旅游景点和服务设施等方面带来 Wei Xiaorian, director of the Planning and Development and Finance Department of the National Tourism Administration, said at the International Forum of Leisure Economy in China that the development of China’s leisure industry should first implement the “paid leave” system stipulated by the state as soon as possible. Wei Xiaofan said that during the “Golden Week” in the past, the phenomenon of “going out on holidays and seeing people in tourist spots” appeared in domestic tourist attractions and brought about such problems as traffic, tourist attractions and service facilities
研究孔子及其儒家学派的学术专著在中国历史上可以说举不胜举,但论及中国孔庙的综论性专著却几乎没有,这实在是一种缺憾。 本专辑概述了中国孔庙的发展轨迹,国内孔庙多有论
Objective: To determine whether failure to adequately adjust for a reported 40 %misclassification of use of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) as reported in a Swed i
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic value of umbilical artery Doppler studies in premature deliveries. METHODS: In this cohort study of 582 singleton pregnanc
Two silver(I)-sulfonate complexes,[Ag(NO_3)(4,4’-bipy)][Ag(HL)(4,4’-bipy)]·2H_2O(1) and[Ag(H_2O)(4,4’-bipy)][AgL(4,4’-bipy)]·2H_2O(2),have been synthesize
目的 :研究普伐他汀对高脂血症病人降脂作用及对血浆D 二聚体的影响。方法 :高脂血症病人 36例 ,服用普伐他汀 10mg·d- 1,服药 4wk后若血清TC >5.2mmol·L- 1,则剂量加倍 ,