
来源 :水电厂自动化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fantasyst
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截止于今年9月上旬,我国已有30个水电厂通过了“无人值班”(少人值守)验收,我国的水电厂“无人值班”(少人值守)工作有效地促进了减人增效,实现了运行管理方式的变革,具有重大的意义;与此同时水电厂设备检修方式的变革也提到议事日程。设备状态检修是目前国际上一种先进的检修管理方式,区别于长期沿用的计划检修模式,能有效克服定期检修造成设备过修或失修的问题,提高设备安全性和可用性。实施设备状态检修是实现管理现代化,提高水电厂综合实力的有效途径之一,是管理创新、技术创新的具体体现。国家电力公司发输电运营部组织水电厂状态检修工作领导小组,专家组和有关人员多次研究和讨论,于最近编成的《水电厂开展设备状态检修工作的指导意见》已经国家电力公司文件国电发[2002]508号公布,自即日起执行。为配合好开展我国水电厂的状态检修工作,本刊特全文刊登如下。 As of the beginning of September this year, 30 hydropower plants in China have passed the “unattended” inspection and the “unmanned duty” work in our country has effectively been promoted It is of great significance to reduce man-hour and increase efficiency and realize the change of operation management mode. At the same time, the reform of equipment maintenance mode in hydropower plants is also mentioned in the agenda. Equipment condition maintenance is an internationally advanced maintenance management method, different from the long-term planning maintenance mode, which can effectively overcome the problem of over-repair or disrepair equipment caused by regular overhaul and improve equipment safety and availability. Implementation of equipment condition maintenance is to achieve modernization of management, improve the overall strength of the hydropower plant is one of the effective ways, is the management of innovation, a concrete manifestation of technological innovation. State Power Corporation issued the operation of the Department of Power Transmission and Distribution hydropower plant state inspection and maintenance work leading group, expert group and related personnel on many occasions to study and discuss the recently compiled “hydropower plant to carry out equipment condition inspection work” has been the State Power Corporation document GD Issued [2002] No. 508, from now on. In order to cooperate well to carry out the state maintenance of hydropower plants in our country, the full text of the issue is published below.
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