
来源 :辽宁果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieyses1023
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我队果园近年来由于肥水不足,栽培管理技术跟不上,苹果树腐烂病发生很重。据1973年在一班果园调查,发病株率高达80~90%,平均单株病斑数2.5块,不少结果树的骨干枝因病被锯掉,有的结果树烂死,严重的影响了果树生产。1973~1975年我们选择了九十亩苹果园,除了对它加强肥水管理外,做了枝干喷福美砷药剂防治的试验,取得了较好的防治效果。1976年又进行了大面积防治示范试验,也收到了良好的效果。 In recent years, our team orchard due to inadequate fertilizer, cultivation and management techniques can not keep up, apple tree rot disease occurs very seriously. According to a survey in a group of orchards in 1973, the incidence rate of as high as 80 to 90%, the average number of plants per plant 2.5, many of the results of the backbone of the tree branches were cut off due to disease, and some results tree rot, a serious impact Fruit tree production. From 1973 to 1975, we chose ninety acres of apple orchards. In addition to strengthening the management of fertilizer and water, we made experiments on the prevention and treatment of branches and airsons and achieved good control effects. In 1976, large-scale pilot prevention and control experiments were conducted and good results were also received.
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地震的破坏很大,往往发生在几分钟或几秒钟之内,所以人们对地震恐惧万分。而白蚁破坏造成的后果也是相当惊人的。 Earthquake damage is very large, often occurs in a few
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On February 15th the General Administra-tion of Customs announced a new regula-tion readjusting the export tariff rates ofpartially chemical fertilizers.The ex