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返利是厂家根据一定的评判标准,以现金或实物的形式对经销商的的滞后奖励。特点是滞后兑现,而不是当场兑现。 从兑现时间上分类,返利一般分为月返、季返和年返三种;从兑现方式上分类,返利分为明返、暗返两类;从奖励目的上分类,返利分为过程返利和销量返利两种。 返利是把双刃剑,如果运用得当,可以起到激励经销商的作用,可一旦用不好,其效果会恰恰相反,成为经销商短期行为的诱发剂。 Rebate is the manufacturer based on certain criteria, in cash or in kind in the form of lag incentives dealers. Features are lagging cash, not cash on the spot. From the cashing time classification, the rebate is generally divided into monthly return, seasonal return and annual return of three; from the way of cashing, rebate is divided into two types of return, dark return; from the reward classification, rebate is divided into process rebate and Sales rebate two. Rebate is a double-edged sword, if used properly, can play a stimulating role of dealers, but once used bad, its effect will be exactly the opposite, become a distributor of short-term behavior induced by agents.
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