Reflections on Self-identity

来源 :中国校外教育·理论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jfguo2008
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  Abstrac:Self-identity is multi-dimensional instead of uni-dimensional. We can not only employ one of the facets of self-identity to measure it as a whole. Work is definitely one of the categories of self-identity but it is not the only category to identify people themselves. Even if we don’t discuss the psychological elements on this issue, from the perspective of sociology, self-identity is also closely related with education, culture, ethnics and so on. In this essay, we only correlate the issue of self-identity in the context of relating education with work. Although either education or work is seen as the separate category of self-identity, in practice, self-identity is achieved through the collaboration and mutual effects of education and work due to the close relationship between the two of them. Therefore, education, as the base and threshold to work, "life long education" and cross-disciplinary knowledge education should be promoted in order to help people establish the positive self-identity.
  Key Words:Self-identity education work
  Ⅰ. The relationship between education and work
  Work is seen by Karl Marx as the primary human activity. It tends to be an activity that transforms nature and is usually undertaken in social situations, but exactly what counts as work is dependent on the specific social circumstances under which such activities are undertaken and, critically, how these circumstances and activities are interpreted by those involved (Grint, K., 1998). Due to the great importance of work for both society (it is central to societal reproduction) and individual (it concerns the basic human needs), plus the general feature of the modern time: "knowledge driven", education overtly becomes the essential element to the development of the world. Most of the educational reforms in recent years are aiming to promote the relationship between education and work, which can be demonstrated by some descriptions of nature of education like vocational education and instrumental education. By and large, both of the two social systems of education and work reveal their affinities under the sign of the knowledge society. Currently, education and work are two activities that are not only related, similar, comparable, and interdependent as they used to be throughout their long and troubled history – but they have also become partners that are capable of playing interchangeable and complementary roles (Giarini, O.,
[摘要]如何在大学教育阶段进一步实践好全员育人、全方位育人、全过程育人的育人理念?浙江大学外语学院通过家长委员会平台整合家庭、社会力量参与学校人才培养和发展的过程,取得了令人瞩目的成效。本文以浙江大学外语学院的实践为例,分析大学教育中家委会的定位和作用,探讨家委会发挥作用的机制建设,并提出一些思考。本文的实践和思考为大学生教育管理的创新和发展提供了有益的启发。  [关键词]家长委员会 大学生教育
[摘要]良好的习惯是孩子迈向成功之路的前提和基础。家长有必要帮助孩子形成良好的思维习惯,这将有助于孩子从正确的角度和方面思考问题,有助于孩子能力的锻炼、知识的获取。  [关键词]思维习惯 家庭教育 习惯养成    良好的习惯是孩子迈向成功之路的前提和基础。幼儿期是人生的启蒙期,是塑造健康人格和形成良好道德素质的重要时期,习惯的养成问题就显得尤为重要。我国著名青少年教育家孙晓云先生曾经说过:“好习惯
(四川信息职业技术学院,四川 广元 628017)  摘 要:通过农民自己创作的文本是研究农民文化的一种视角。在四川省广元市元坝区射箭乡的“射箭提阳戏”的“天戏”中,我们看到了农民眼中的神的官豪化倾向,并进一步揭示传统农民隐忍顺从的深层文化心理。  关键词:天戏农民神 官豪化     四川省广元市元坝区射箭乡的“射箭提阳戏”属于傩戏,其保存完备的“天戏”文本不仅是  研究傩文化的好材料,同时,也是
[摘 要]:网络技术的发展,由于网络协议自身特点,常导致相关安全问题,本文主要在分析SYN Flood攻击的基本原理的同时,详细地描述了目前比较有效的一种御措施:地址状态监控技术。  [关键词]:SYN Flood攻击 拒绝服务攻击 原理 防御方法     一、SYN Flood攻击介绍    拒绝服务攻击(Denial of Service,DoS)是目前比较有效而又非常难于防御的一种网络攻击方
本案例通过给学生家长的一封信,进行了一次班导师、学生与家长之间的一次有效沟通,起到了家长转变了对孩子升学考试的看法与态度,家长意识到自己存在的问题,父母与孩子都认识到了沟通的重要性,对原本幸福家庭的家长是一个警示,学生受到了教育的作用。可见,班导师与学生家长之间的沟通是必要的,班导师应该坚持沟通并使之成为工作的有效手段。班导师 沟通 心灵 信  学生班导师工作是学校育人的一个重要环节,班导师是学校
[摘要] 王维的《渭城曲》强调友情,淡化悲情,用潇洒旷达的形象突破了自《诗经采薇》以来借“柳”色反衬离别之悲的抒情藩篱,为离别诗开拓了一种健康、积极的情感模式。  [关键词] 温情潇洒 离别 心态    渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。  这首送别诗,又名《送元二使安西》、《阳关三叠》等,早已蜚声四海,深入人心。渭水桥边,亲友话别,见面难期。西出塞外,衰草黄沙,促膝
近年来,大学生就业问题成为社会与家庭最为关注的问题。如何提升大学生的就业能力成为各高校人才培养的关键问题之一。北华大学机械工程长期以来一直将提高人才培养质量作为提升大学生就业能力的重点,苦练内功、提高综合竞争力,拓宽渠道、提高就业率和就业层次,创建了人才培养与就业工作新机制。  大学生 人才培养 就业能力  提高学生的就业能力是应用型人才培养的关键问题,也是人才培养备受社会各界广泛关注的核心要素。
综合课程论者认为,学科之间是相互交叉、渗透和融合的,数学教学中不乏人文乐趣。以一节课堂教学为例,捕捉课堂意外,善待动态生成,深刻透析了数学教学中的人文乐趣。  数学教学人文乐趣教学分析下午,我们高一(17)班的孩子就要参加全校的歌唱比赛了,班主任及几位主科任课老师也被邀请在内,当然也包括我。我自然是希望他们抓紧时间排练,在比赛中拿个大奖回来的,因为这样的经历,这样的荣誉对于班集体的建设、班级凝聚力
Abstract:British literature has long enjoyed a high reputation, especially in the 19th century. Besides realistic novels, romantic poetry is another bright star. Interestingly, all the important roma