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(一)人民检察署在国家政权中的任务人民检察署是新型的广义的司法机关(但和其它司法机关却有不同),是中华人民共和国国家机构中重要组成部份之一,是人民民主专政的重要武器之一。它根据法律,实行检查全国政府机关、公务人员和国民,是否严格遵守法律、法令、决议、政策等为其主要任务。它的组织,在形式上,虽与资本主义各国和旧中国的检察有点相似,但因和他们的国家政权阶级性不一样,故在内容本质上完全不同。可以说,新中国的检察制度,是与苏联的同一方向,为了解他们两种不同类型的检察,特先提出来对照一下,作为我们的参考,是必要的:(一)资本主义各国与旧中国的政权,是代表少数剥削阶级的政权。所以他们的检察任务,专门侦查检举被剥削阶级的革命、暴动、罢工、损害富有者私有财产之刑事案件,向法院提起公诉。其职权,除对一般人民有检举权之外,对政府机关人员,一般是不能过问的,惟对于共产党出身 (1) The Role of the People’s Procuratorate in State Power The People’s Procuratorate is a new type of general judicial organ (but different from other judicial organs) and is one of the important components of the state organ of the People’s Republic of China. It is a people’s democracy Dictatorship of one of the important weapons. According to the law, it conducts inspections of government agencies, public servants and citizens throughout the country and strictly abides by laws, decrees, resolutions and policies as its main task. Its organization, though somewhat formally similar to that of the prosecutors of the capitalist countries and the old China, is fundamentally different in content than the class nature of their state power. It can be said that the procuratorial system in the People’s Republic of China is in the same direction as the Soviet Union. In order to understand their two different types of procuratorates, it is necessary to give a special reference to our procuratorial system. For our reference, it is necessary to: (1) Capitalist countries and old China’s regime is the one that represents the minority exploiting classes. Therefore, their prosecutorial task is to investigate and prosecute the criminal cases of the revolution, riot and strike of the exploited classes and the private property of the rich, and prosecute the courts. Its authority, in addition to the general people have the right to report, the government officials, generally can not be questioned, but for the Communist Party
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鉴于研究性学习的开放性、实践性、探索性 ,及其有别于课堂教学的方法模式 ,故在研究性学习实施过程中须注重策略选择 ,尤其是选择研究的方向 (题目 )。在选题时要注意以下策