
来源 :山东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjutjwzx4
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近几年来,我省由于连年持续严重干旱,冬季气温偏高,有利于害鼠的繁殖,加之滥用剧毒药物灭鼠和任意捕杀鼠类野生天敌,致使农田害鼠猖獗发生,成为当前农业生产中的一大重要灾害。害鼠种类之多、分布之广、数量之大、危害之重为建国以来所罕见。因此,做好灭鼠工作对发展农业生产和保障人民健康都具有重要的意义。自1980年以来,我省各地通过鼠情调查,基本了解 In recent years, due to continuous severe drought in successive years in our province, high temperatures in winter is conducive to the breeding of harmful rats, combined with the abuse of highly toxic drugs to eradicate rodent and arbitrary killing of wild natural enemies of rats, resulting in rampant pests in farmland and become the current agricultural production In a major disaster. Rodent species as many, widely distributed, the number of large, the harms of weight since the founding of the country is rare. Therefore, doing a good job of rodent control is of great significance to the development of agricultural production and the protection of people’s health. Since 1980, we have basically learned about rat surveys in various parts of our province
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本文为1951~1960年在福州附近31种蔬菜作物上发生的136种病害名录,其中在我省至今仍是新记载的病害在中文病害名称前有“△”作标记。 This article is a list of 136 diseas
美国香脂冷杉[Abies fraseri(pursh)poir]及东部的美国五针松(Pinus strobus L.)是生长在北卡罗来纳州西部受欢迎的作为圣诞树销售的针叶树。由phytophthora cinnamamiRands
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