Development and Identification of Triticum aestivum L.-Thinopyrum bessarabicum Lve Chromosome Trans

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanbingxingshi
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With assistance of chromosome C-banding and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) combinedwith meiotic analysis, five germplasms with homozygous wheat-Th. bessarabicum chromosometranslocations were developed and identified among BC1F5 progenies of the cross betweenT. aestivum cv. Chinese Spring and Chinese Spring-Th. bessarabicum amphiploid. Theselines included Tj01 and Tj02 (2n=44) containing a pair of wheat-Th. bessarabicumtranslocation chromosomes besides a pair of added Th. bessarabicum chromosomes, Tj03(2n=44) with a pair of added interspecific translocation chromosomes, Tj04 (2n=44)containing a pair of interspecific translocation chromosomes besides an added pair ofTh. bessarabicum chromosome arms and Tj05 (2n=46) containing a pair of interspecifictranslocation chromosomes besides two pairs of added intact alien chromosomes. Thebreakpoints of all the translocations were found to be not around centromere. Meanwhile,all the lines showed normal plant growth, development and fertility, while the translocationchromosomes transmitted regularly. The obtained translocations might be of use fortransferring elite genes from Th. bessarabicum into wheat. With assistance of chromosome C-banding and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) combined with meiotic analysis, five germplasms with homozygous wheat-Th. Bessarabicum chromosometranslocations were developed and identified among BC1F5 progenies of the cross betweenT. Aestivum cv. Chinese Spring and Chinese Spring- These strains included Tj01 and Tj02 (2n = 44) containing a pair of wheat-Th. Bessarabicum translocation chromosomes besides a pair of added Th. Bessarabicum chromosomes, Tj03 (2n = 44) with a pair of added interspecific translocation chromosomes, Tj04 (2n = 44) containing a pair of interspecific translocations chromosomes besides an added pair of Thr. Bessarabicum chromosome arms and Tj05 (2n = 46) containing a pair of interspecific translocation chromosomes besides two pairs of added intact alien chromosomes. Thebreakpoints of all the translocations were found to be not around centromere. Meanwhile, all the lines showed normal plant growth, development and fertility , while the translocationchromosomes transmitted regularly. The obtained translocations might be of use fortransferring elite genes from Th. bessarabicum into wheat.
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