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西藏地方邮政实行以邮票作为邮资投寄信函方式为特征的现代邮政,开始于1912年5月,这之前一直是沿用古老的邮驿。其背景是十三世达赖喇嘛于1910年2月因清军入藏在英国唆使下逃往印度,于1912年5月返藏,在印度住了两年多。在印度期间,十三世达赖接触了一些新鲜事物,返藏后即决定兴办水电、机械、银行和邮电等实业。同年5月便在拉萨、江孜、日喀则成立了扎康(邮局),同时发行了西藏历史上第一套邮票,共6枚。截止1959年西藏地方邮票废止,历经四十七个年头,共发行了5套邮票。邮票发行虽少,但趣话颇多。 邮票破开使用 我们看到西藏在民改以前的实寄封上常常贴有1又2分之1、1又3分之1或1又4分之1的邮票,这些邮票都是完整邮票剪开使用。好好的邮票为什么剪开使用呢?其原因有二:一是西藏地方政府发行的邮票虽然也有几种不同面值的票面,但在邮局实际操作中仍不敷用;二是当时印刷条件极为困难,增加每套邮票面值 The implementation of the modern postal system featuring stamps as postal mailing postings began in May 1912, following the use of the ancient post office. The background is that the Thirteenth Dalai Lama fled to India under the command of the Qing Army in February 1910 in February 1910, returned to Tibet in May 1912 and lived in India for more than two years. During his stay in India, the 13th Dalai came into contact with some new things. After returning to Tibet, he decided to establish industries such as hydropower, machinery, banking and post and telecommunications. In May the same year, they set up Zhakang (post office) in Lhasa and Gyantse and Shigatse and issued the first set of 6 stamps in the history of Tibet. As of 1959, local stamps in Tibet were abolished. After 47 years, a total of 5 stamps were issued. Although the issue of stamps is small, but a lot of fun. Stamps Broken Use We have seen that stamps of 1, 2, 1/1, 1, and 1 in 4 often affixed to the actual mailings in Tibet before the reform were made. These stamps were all cut off and used . Why is the use of a good stamp cut? There are two reasons: First, although the stamps issued by the local government of Tibet have several different denominations of the face, but the actual operation of the post office is still not enough; Second, the printing conditions were extremely difficult at the time, Increase the face value of each set of stamps
China and India are two demographic giants that have become big developing economic powers.They have maintained their specialization in textiles and developed
道路交通 中国经济的高速增长源自实现了经济改革政策,而经济增长又促进了运输的增长。在1978年至1986年间,经济平均每年增长10%,与此同时,各种运输方式完成的国内旅客运输量