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长篇小说《爆炸在瞬间》,本期将在豪迈的《特勤战士之歌》的歌声中结束。小说连载期间,许多读者来电、来信;表达了对为捍卫城市平安,出生入死,甘洒热血的消防特勤战.士们由衷的敬佩之惰。也有读者表示,小说为社会了解消防部队打开了一扇窗,但仍感意犹未尽,希望更多、更全面地了解工作、战斗在各条战线的消防官兵口为此,本期“潮傲文库”特别隆重推出,由目前正在东帝泣执行联合国维和任务的中国维和民事警察、山西省消防总队上尉警官杨东卫,特邀为本刊独家撰写的长篇纪实文学《维和的日子》。本文不同于以往小说群像式的人物塑造,而是通过白描直叙的手法叙述了作者本人不懈奋斗,从一名普通的消防战士成长为消防警官,直至成为一名先荣的中国维和民事警察的心路历程;以及作者目前正在东帝泣执行维和任务的日日夜夜。文章文字朴素,文风硬朗,充分展示了新时期消防战士锲而不舍,永不言败的拼搏精神。丈章中透出的浓浓的异域风惰和维和的危险与刺激一定令会你爱不释手,欲罢不能。 The novel “Explosion in an instant”, this issue will be in the heroic “Secret Service Song” song ended. During the serialization of the novel, many readers call and write letters; express their dedication to the fire fighting in order to defend the city’s peace, birth, death and happiness. People sincerely admire the lazy. Some readers also said that the novel opened a window for the community to understand the fire brigade but still expressed its full satisfaction in the hope that more and more work will be learned and that fire fighting officers and soldiers at all fronts will be fighting for this purpose. In particular, the China Peacekeeping Civil Police, currently undergoing the UN peacekeeping mission in East Timor, and Yang Dongwei, captain of the Shanxi Provincial Fire Brigade, were invited to give a long story of “Peacekeeping Day” written exclusively for this magazine. This article is different from the former style of portrayal of portraits, but describes the author through unremitting efforts, from an ordinary firefighter to a fire officer, until he became a forerunner of China peacekeeping civil police Mentality; and the author is currently working day and night in East Timor to carry out peacekeeping tasks. Articles simple, tough style of writing, fully demonstrated the new era of fire fighters perseverance, never give up fighting spirit. The thick, exotic winds and the dangers and excitement of peacekeeping revealed in the chapter of Zhang will surely make you put it down and stop.
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