Landscape Plant Selection and Configuration of Golf Course: A Case Study of Golf Course in Overseas

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulei_1188
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This paper introduced landscape plant selection and configuration on the golf course of Yunnan Overseas Chinese Town(OCT Yunnan) briefly, divided the course into mountain view course, lake view course and landscape avenue. Considering figures, growth habits and ecological characters of landscape plants, various trees, shrubs, grasses, vines and water flowers are arranged reasonably in different functional areas. In terms of plant selection, tree species adaptive to local climate are adopted, more efforts given to the seasonal aspects, lines, colors, layers, balance, and rhythm, so as to create a garden-like golf course in a short term. This paper introduced landscape plant selection and configuration on the golf course of Yunnan Overseas Chinese Town (OCT Yunnan) briefly, divided the course into mountain view course, lake view course and landscape avenue. Considering figures, growth habits and ecological characters of landscape plants, various trees, shrubs, grasses, vines and water flowers are arranged reasonably in different functional areas. In terms of plant selection, tree species adaptive to local climate are adopted, more efforts given to the seasonal aspects, lines, colors, layers, balance, and rhythm, so as to create a garden-like golf course in a short term.
物理是一门以实验为基础的自然科学。在中职各门基础课程中,物理课对提高学生的科学素质起着不可替代的作用。实验教学在提高物理教学效果和开发学生创 Physics is an exper
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