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作为阿胶主要原料的驴皮价格总是在持续不断地上涨,这主要是由于供需关系的不平衡所导致。尽管如此,阿胶产业仍在加速扩产。阿胶市场的混战已是在所难免。日益走俏的驴皮背后是阿胶行业不断白热化的竞争。根据招商证券最新的调研报告,驴皮近一年的价格涨幅巨大,湿皮己从去年5月的每斤8.5元上涨至今年4月的22元左右。而上涨的主要原因是由于供需关系的不平衡,供给不断缩小,而新进者不断增多。对于驴皮价格未来的发展趋势,招商证券预计今年5月至9月旺季开工前,驴皮的价格将稳中略有下降,而在9月旺季开工后,驴皮的价格则有可能往上反弹。从长远来看,驴皮的成本上升已是长期趋势。 The price of donkey hide, which is the main raw material for donkey-hide gelatin, is always on the rise. This is mainly due to the imbalance between supply and demand. In spite of this, gelatin industry is still accelerating expansion. Ejiao market melee is inevitable. The growing popularity of donkey hide gelatin industry is increasingly intense competition. According to the latest research report of China Merchants Securities, the price of donkey skin has risen sharply in recent years. Wet skin has risen from RMB8.5 per kilogram in May last year to around RMB22 in April this year. However, the main reason for the rise is the continuous narrowing of supply due to the imbalance between supply and demand and the increasing number of new entrants. For the future development trend of the price of donkey skin, China Merchants Securities expects the price of donkey hide to decline slightly before starting the peak season from May to September this year, while the price of donkey hide may rebound upward after the peak season starts in September . In the long run, the cost of donkey hide has been a long-term trend.
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屯堡人 西出贵阳进入安顺地界,田野上是一个个石头的村落。石头的屯墙,石头的垣壁和石板盖顶的屋面以及那高耸的石头碉堡,这些村落被称为屯堡。生活于其间的人群与当地一般人不
[Objective] To develop a method for the determination of Selenium in Chinese medicinal herb Erigeron breviscapus (Vant.) Hand.-Mazz.. [Method] Various test cond