
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m109bowen
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Migraine is a common and disabling neurological disorder. Studies have shown that patients with migraine (especially those with typical aura with migraine) have an unfavorable cardiovascular risk profile and an increased risk of early- onset (< 45 years) ischemic stroke. Statins are effective hypolipidemic drugs that reduce cardiovascular- related morbidity and death in patients with or without established atherosclerotic vascular disease. We report a patient whose frequent attacks of typical aura with migraine completely resolved after the initiation of treatment with a statin. In this context, we comment on the possible effects of statins on the pathophysiology of migraine. We suggest that statins may be useful drugs in the treatment of migraine because they could reduce the increased cardiovascular risk in these patients and also attenuate migraine attacks. Only a randomized prospective study in this population could provide a definite answer to these speculations. Migraine is a common and disabling neurological disorder. Studies have shown that patients with migraine (particularly those with typical aura with migraine) have an unfavorable cardiovascular risk profile and an increased risk of early-onset (<45 years) ischemic stroke. Statins are effective hypolipidemic drugs that reduce cardiovascular- related morbidity and death in patients with or without established atherosclerotic vascular disease. We report a patient whose frequent attacks of typical aura with migraine completely resolved after the initiation of treatment with a statin. In this context, we comment on the possible effects of statins on the pathophysiology of migraine. We suggest that statins may be useful drugs in the treatment of migraine because they could reduce the increased cardiovascular risk in these patients and also attenuate migraine attacks. Only a randomized prospective study in this population could provide a definite answer to these speculations
传统古诗词教学往往只注重字词翻译、文章分析讲解等,而古诗词的语言之美、音韵之美、意境之美,仅凭教师的讲解,学生是不能完全体味的。在新《课标》的理念指导下,在古诗词教学中,我们应该更新观念,充分运用多媒体,善于引导学生反复诵读,感悟诗意,启发想象,入境悟情,努力让课堂迸发出智慧的火花,让学生真正体会到诗人的思想情感,感受古诗词的语言美。  一、运用多媒体,创设情境激发想象  一般来说,古诗词比较难懂