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本文是根据总公司领导指示,在首先组织院内专家对油气田地面工程前沿科技进行充分讨论的基础上,约请科技局、基建局及大庆、辽河、华北、中原等设计院的专家来院进一步研讨,最后由总院的总工程师陈茂祥(教授级高工)、副总工程师李建民、副总工程师金德馨(教授级高工)执笔完成。本文对油气田地面工程技术发展提出8个方面的研究课题,扼要分述如下。 1 油气田地下、地上整体优化技术整体优化是指地下、地上相结合的油藏工程、采油 This article is based on the guidance of the head office, based on the first organization of experts in the field of oil and gas field engineering on the basis of cutting-edge technology, invited science and Technology Bureau, the Infrastructure Bureau and Daqing, Liaohe, North China, Central China and other design institutes experts to come to hospital for further discussion, and finally The chief engineer by the General Hospital Chen Maoxiang (professor-level senior engineer), deputy chief engineer Li Jianmin, deputy chief engineer Jinde Xin (professor-level senior engineer) written completed. In this paper, the development of ground engineering technology in oil and gas fields proposed eight aspects of research topics, summarized as follows. 1 underground gas field, the overall optimization of the overall optimization of the ground refers to the underground and above ground combined reservoir engineering, oil production
《中国公共卫生》(月刊)是由中华人民共和国卫生部主管、中华预防医学会主办的国家级核心学术期刊。1982年创刊,国内统一连续出版物号CN 21-1234/R,国际标准连续出版物号ISSN
浙江义乌 ,以小商品市场的繁荣贸易全国闻名。去义乌走一走 ,会发现义乌也是一个有着良好规划 ,树荫花美 ,建筑物较有特色、有层次的浙中小城市。初闻“浙江成龙建筑有限公司
There are some problems in the vascular prostheses, which influence the health of the patients. This paper aims to the radial compliance of three kinds of vascu
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