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康熙皇帝爱新觉罗·玄烨(1654——1722)是中国历史上颇有建树的皇帝之一.康熙皇帝又是历史上少有的勤奋好学的皇帝之一,他写了大量的诗文,对文章写作的甘苦有深刻的体会,其中针对公文写作发表了许多精辟的见解,颇有借鉴的价值.一、文以意为主.他在《几暇格物编》中说:“诗文之道,以命意为上.意在笔先,然后发为文辞,形诸歌咏,自能超出众人之表,……若胸无卓见于理,只以铺叙辞藻为工,虽丰彩可观而实意已鲜,以传世而行远,不亦难乎?”(《御制文第四集卷二十七)这里的“意”,是指高超的意,即“卓见”.没有卓见,即使华彩致密,仍然只会写出平庸的文章.每找到一个文章的题目,立刻便会有许多惯常的平庸的思路缠绕笔端,必须一层层剥去,寻绎出内核才会有所发现,立意才会高卓.因此,康熙评文很强调创作主体的“识解”与“识力”,(《御制文第三集》“杂著”,以下凡不注出处者皆出此)写文章必须以培养观察和认识事物的能力为先. Kangxi Emperor Aixinjueluo Xuan Ye (1654--1722) is one of the most accomplished emperors in Chinese history.Kangxi was one of the few diligent and learned emperor in history, he wrote a large number of poems , The author of the article has a profound understanding of the merits and demerits, which published a number of brilliant ideas for official document writing, quite a reference value. The meaning of the pen intended to pen first, and then made for the dictation, the song of all shapes, beyond the table of all people ... ... If the chest without good advice in theory, only to rhetoric, although abundance of considerable and Intentions have been fresh to the line handed down, not difficult? “(” Royal system of the fourth volume twenty-seven) “meaning” here refers to superb meaning, that is, “Zhuo see.” There is no opinion, even if Every time you find the title of an article, there will be many usual mediocre ideas twining the tip of the pen, you have to strip layers to find out the inner core will be found, Therefore, Kangxi essay emphasizes the “knowledge” and “knowledge” of the main body of creation, The "who does not note the source of seven men out of this) writing articles must cultivate the ability to observe and understand things first.
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