
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moqianru
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官廳水庫的建成,無疑地对京、津、唐地区工農業的發展超了很大的促進作用。但由于我們过去对建造这样大的水庫工程缺乏經騐,因此在这一工程中亦顯示出一些缺点,例如沿庫岸的浸没問題,桑干河洋河沉積三角洲來回迁移問題,鉄道路基沉陷問題等。本文拟就沿庫岸的農田浸沒問題,从个人愚見所及,提出一些粗浅的意見,以供当局参考。 The completion of the Guanting Reservoir undoubtedly greatly facilitated the development of industry and agriculture in Beijing, Tianjin and Tang areas. However, due to our lack of experience in the construction of such large reservoirs in the past, we have also shown some shortcomings in this project, such as the submergence along the bank and the migration of the Yangsang delta in the Sanggan River and the subsidence of subgrade Wait. In this article, I will give some superficial opinions on farmland immersion along the banks and from my own humble opinion for reference by the authorities.
It was found that Dynol-604, a non-fluorous and no silicon-containing nonionic surfactant, was soluble in supercritical (SC) CO2. The phase behavior of SC CO2/
The phase diagram of InCl3-MBIC was constructed by DSC method. A clear, colorless and mobile ionic liquid was obtained and liquid down to 258 K. Both Raman sc
摘要:文章从分析任务驱动教学法的优势入手,探讨如何有效地把任务驱动教学法运用于计算机组装与维护教学当中,从而增强计算机组装与维护的教学实效,提高学生的实践技能。  关键词:任务驱动教学法;计算机组装与维护;运用  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)02-063-1  《计算机组装与维护》是计算机应用专业的专业技能课程之一,是一门操作性和实践性很强的课程。
A series of novel compounds 3-(2-furyl)-4-aryl-1, 2, 4-triazole-5-thiones have been synthesized. All the compounds were characterized by spectral data and elem
A 2a-phenylthio ether analog 1c of docetaxel was synthesized for the first time from 10-deacetylbaccatin III 3 via double inversion of C-2 configuration. This c