
来源 :中国计划免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwchao
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在云南省近年脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)相关资料的基础上,从流行病学的角度,分析了不同时期不同免疫对策对降低脊灰发病率的作用和效果。结果表明:实施计划免疫前的免疫活动对降低脊灰的发病率效果不理想;常规免疫活动显著地降低了脊灰的发病率,但局部仍有免疫空白和易感人群的累积;辅以强化免疫对进一步控制脊灰的疫情,提高人群免疫水平,消除免疫空白,减少易感儿童累积,阻断野病毒的传播等方面发挥了重要作用,是消灭脊灰的需要和补充。脊灰免疫策略调整的作用和效果,也有助于其它适宜的干预策略的制定 Based on the related information of poliomyelitis (polio) in Yunnan Province in recent years, from the perspective of epidemiology, the effect and effect of different immunization strategies at different periods on reducing the incidence of polio were analyzed. The results showed that: before the implementation of the planned immunization activities on the incidence of reducing the incidence of polio is not effective; routine immunization activities significantly reduced the incidence of polio, but there is still local immune blank and susceptible population accumulation; supplemented by enhanced Immunization plays an important role in further controlling the outbreak of polio, improving population immunity level, eliminating immune blank, reducing the accumulation of susceptible children and blocking the spread of wild virus, which is the need and supplement to eliminate polio. The role and effects of polio immunization strategy adjustments also contribute to the development of other appropriate intervention strategies
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21世纪的英雄是建设者创业者和冒险家 “什么时候走?”这是十年前中国青年见面时最流行的一句问话,当时他们是多么急不可耐地想要出国。而十年后, 21st Century Heroes Are
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