牢牢抓住三个重大关键问题 用科学发展观指导西藏发展

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区党委书记郭金龙同志在区党委六届五次全委(扩大)会议上强调指出:“学习贯彻’三个代表’重要思想,在西藏必须紧紧抓住’三个重大关键问题’:一是要始终代表先进生产力的发展要求,不断开辟西藏发展生产力的前进道路;二是要始终代表先进文化的前进方向,不断推动社会的文明进步;三是要始终代表最广大人民的根本利益,维护祖国统一,巩固民族团结,坚决反对分裂,确保社会稳定。” Comrade Guo Jinlong, secretary of the district party committee, emphasized at the 5th Plenary Session (enlargement) of the 6th session of the Party committees in the district that “In studying and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we must firmly grasp the ’three major key issues’ in Tibet: First, we must always represent the development requirements of advanced productive forces and constantly open up the road of development for the development of productive forces in Tibet. Second, we must always represent the orientation of advanced culture and constantly promote the progress of civilization in our society. Third, we must always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, Safeguard the unification of the motherland, consolidate national unity, resolutely oppose splitting up and ensure social stability. ”
职业教育再次引起关注,如何提升中等职业学校教师职业素养,促进教师专业成长,是职业教育持续发展的关键。 Vocational education once again draws attention. How to impro
中国电科(CETC)第五十五研究所(NEDI)4月12日报道,该所重点实验室张凯博士发表在国际半导体器件权威期刊《IEEE Electron DeviceLetters》上的论文《High-Linearity AlGaN/Ga
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