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台湾明道中学的花工班长蔡敏郎,在校内负责园艺工作。8年前学校成立了蝴蝶园。在他的努力下,现在校内四处蝴蝶起舞。为了更好地丰富校园的角落,蔡敏郎先生做出了许多努力。他曾参加中兴大学有机农业的训练课程,把有机概念带到校园,不在学校的植物上喷洒农药除虫。“但是一定要忍受阵痛期,刚开始植物都会被吃得很惨。”蔡敏郎回忆说。学校当时的物种都是园艺上的种类,对生物没有什么吸引力,但蔡敏郎要的是搞清楚植物跟昆虫的关系,他发现原 Choi Min-lang, a flower mechanic in Taiwan’s Mingdao High School, is responsible for horticultural work in the school. Eight years ago, the school set up a butterfly garden. With his efforts, there are now four butterflies dancing in the school. In order to better enrich the corner of the campus, Mr. Cai Min Lang has made a lot of efforts. He attended the training course of organic agriculture in ZTE University, brought the organic concept to campus, and did not spray pests on the plants of schools. “But we must endure the pain period, the beginning of the plant will be eaten very miserable. ” Cai Min Lang recalled. The species of the school at the time were all horticultural species that did not appeal to the creatures, but what Cai Min Lang wanted was to understand the relationship between plants and insects.
第二次在中国举办的广州亚运会已经结束了。作为今年除世博之外的国内第二大事件,应当是企业进行品牌营销的绝佳机会,尤其是目前市场最为火爆的汽 The second Guangzhou Asi
用工业化方式经营农业 《经济日报》日前载文,介绍了江西新余“跳出城市工业、农村农业的二元思维定势,用现代工业理念谋划农业发展,用工业化方式组织农业生产经营,把工业的
Objective:To determine if a superior tarsectomy improves the ptosis corrective ability of the super maximum levator resection in cases of severe blepharoptosis
High quality single crystal CrAs was grown by Sn flux method.The results of magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity are reported in a temperature ran
长话短说。有的书上介绍矮化菊花用比久(B_9)2500 ppm溶液喷洒,也有的书上介绍用B_9 2500 mg/L、2500毫克/升,2500毫克/千克、2500毫克/kg喷洒,实际上它们都是一样的。 Lon