Life is alive——movie appreciation for Still Alice

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  What does the life means to you? Have you ever imagined that once the life is gone? As for Alice, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, but she is still alive, she know she is alive. That means the world to her.
  I can well remember I burst into tears the first time I watched this movie, what I have learned can’t be simply generalized, but will deeply makes me benefit from a lifetime accompany.
  The most fortunate thing
  The greatest happiness of life is alive, for a living, we can endeavor, can try, can go to a struggle, can go to love and to be loved! Alice touches me most in some extent. It not only simply describes how the Alzheimer goes but also makes people seriously start to think about what life we live, what the most fortunate thing we have got from the god. That is alive without doubt.
  A philosopher once wanted to know whether he was alive or not, which is a good question for everyone to put up to himself occasionally. Of course, we are alive, in physical parts as well as emotional parts. We are breathing, we are thinking,and these are the direct evidence which prove we are alive. And because we are alive, we can eat, play, travel... Do what we are able to without limits. By the way, value our life, do not waste this privilege that we are alive.
  The longest love confession
  When the leading actress Alice is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it seems that everything has changed, just like earth loses its center of gravity. But to make the thing worse, this Alzheimer is rare and familial, it passed on genetically,which brought this family to a more tough situation. But as I see, all of them did not give up their life, did not blame for their mother. All they have done is fighting and accompanying. They fought with their tough situation. For example, Anna, Alice’s eldest daughter, felt lucky when she knew she was found out before next IUI session. And finally, she luckily delivered her babies. And as for Alice, she also struggled with her memories, her sufferings without any compromise. The accompany assuredly plays an important role ,it is the endless source of strength.
  Once a time, not a long time ago, I was hospitalized with an acute illness. But the first time I felt uncomfortable I did not decide to see a doctor straight away, instead, I decided to go home. I was a kind of girl who always lack the sense of security , whenever I was depressed I would turn for my family as soon as possible. Then only after my mom take me to the hospital, I knew how serious my illness is. My doctor told me she didn’t know what resulted in internal bleeding for the time being, but I had to be hospitalized for observation. I was afraid of any illness especially this time, but when my mother was in my side, my father was in my side, my sister bought my favorite cake, my ... I found that nothing could distress us. Especially after I watched the movie I felt accompany is the most beautiful gift I have be gifted. No matter we grow up or still young, our necessary demand is accompany. We have this privilege as well as we need it. All in all, accompany is the longest love confession .   The real loss
  As human beings, we always focus on what we lost more or less. Surely, loss is a terrible thing, and it is inevitable. Sometimes, we lost our loved ones;sometimes, we lost our friendship;sometimes we lost our valuable objects. And every time we lost our time. But why don’t we change our mind, just to find the art of losing.
  The poet Elizabeth Bishop once wrote: “the art of losing isn’t hard to master, so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost, and their lost is no disaster.” As a person living with early on-set Alzheimer’s, Alice found herself learning the art of losing everyday. Losing her bearings, losing objects, losing sleep,but mostly,losing memories. Everything she had worked so hard for all ripped away. this was hell, but it got worse. Just as she said,Who can take us seriously as when we are so far from who we once were?
  Have you every imagined what would happen when you lose your memories? Alice was suffered with this kind of loss, even in others’ eyes, people like her are ridiculous, incapable,comic. Compared to her, I profoundly realize that I am a lucky dog. Sometimes, what we ever define the loss is not very correct. In Alice’ eyes, it is a art; as far as I am concerned, it is a gift. Or maybe I could say, what we lose is the most beautiful thing we have had. Before we lose, we deeply have it. What’s more , loss is better than we never have.
  Clearly, what we can do is always beyond what the movie tell us. Anyway, life is continuing, and all of us are fortunate, at least we are not alone;we are accompanied with friends, families and many people who love us, value us. Life is neither in having nor in being, but in becoming, and never give up.
【摘要】:电池堆是锌银贮备电池的心脏,其核心零件的强度决定着电池的成败。本文通过对塑压电池堆零件的特點进行分析,针对其承载能力的考核开展了研究和充分的试验,寻求一套行之有效的对塑压电池堆强度进行考核的验证方法,满足使用要求。  【关键词】:塑压零件;电池堆;强度考核  1.引言  塑压零件以其轻便、经济的特点被移植到锌银贮备电池的心脏部位上,这是一个创举,和一次大胆的尝试。我们采用372颗粒材料塑
【摘要】:本文详细分析了模块化生产加工培训系统的作用及其组成,并给出了系统详细的工作流程。  【关键词】:MPS;生产;模块  MPS模块化自动生产系统是用于学习各种专业知识和多种技术技能的一套培训设备。这套设备所有元件均为工厂实际使用的工业级产品。通过这套设备可对学校和工厂的专业技术人员进行模拟工厂环境的技术培训。 MPS模块化生产系统是一套采用先进技术、能模拟实际工业生产中大量复杂控制过程的教
刘怡君,心理学硕士,狮子座,被很多客户亲切的称为(天天姐), 多才多艺的她学习舞蹈专业8年,毅然转向婚姻感情维护工作,创立鑫升美感情维护公司,短短的几年时间公司迅速壮大,鑫美升也快速成为倍受客户追捧和被主流媒体广泛报道的情感挽回行业的黑马,而公司业务水平远远高于业界的平均水平,成功率竟高达98%!!!她所带领的团队是怎么做到的呢?   就让我们来揭密这情感挽回界的新星----刘怡君:官宦世家,书香
【摘要】:本文介绍了基于PPI通讯的PLC通讯系统的连接方法,并重点说明了通讯参数的设置方法。  【关键词】:PPI;PLC;通讯   一.PPI通讯系统连接  在进行PPI通信之前,首先需要认知进行PPI通信的主要硬件,即网络连接器和通信连接电缆。下面对其进行介绍。  ⑴网络连接器  网络连接器是一种能与RS-485兼容、并与通信电缆相连的9针D型连接器。一般说来,使用比较广泛是西门子网络连接器
【摘要】:近年来,随着北京市人口的不断增长,交通行业发展迅猛,交通拥堵也成为北京市民日常出行的一大烦恼。经过调查研究发现,交通信号灯设计的不全面性,给交通带来了很大的不便。本次课题搜集的资料主要围绕着信号灯的倒计时装置、语音提示装置、信号灯的恢复状态、信号灯规范安装、安装信号灯的数量、以及设置针对视障人士的信号灯的优化设计进行讨论。  【关键词】:交通信号灯;人机工程;倒计时装置  【Abstra
侵权责任构成要件事关法律规则健全,更与社会公众行为方式有关。如果其构成要件规定不科学、不完整,必然将给权利救济、行为自由带来决定性影响。因此,讨论违法性对于独立侵权责任构成要件的实质涵义本身,意义重大。  1、违法性于侵权责任构成要件中的作用  (1)违法性要件是判断某些特殊侵权行为的标准  某些特殊侵权行为主要涉及精神病人、未成年人以及一部分适用无过错侵权责任特殊主体的现象。对于前述几种特殊侵权
【摘要】:“一带一路”战略的提出,是我国加强沿线与欧亚非各国互利的需要,也是我国扩大对外交流和深化对外开放的需要。《河西走廊》作为我国“一带一路”國家战略背景下,以“河西走廊关乎国家经略”为主题核心推出纪录片,从政治、经济、文化、军事、外交等多个叙事角度,展现出了河西走廊跨越千年的雄壮、辉煌与苍凉。本文试从纪录片的叙事结构与叙事策略的角度对纪录片《河西走廊》进行研究分析。  【关键词】:纪录片;河
【摘要】:近年来,国内医患关系紧张、医疗纠纷事件时有发生,而导致医患关系紧张的一个很重要的原因是医患之间沟通不足形成的心理隔阂造成的,所以笔者选取一个地区的医院分别对其医生和患者采用结构式访谈法来调查医生与患者之间沟通的现状,通过对调查结果的分析来提高人们对医患沟通的重视度,为解决医患双方沟通障碍提供好的建议,以此促进医患沟通水平的完善和提高,同时为政府相关部门的决策提供理论依据。  【关键词】:
【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展,益智类节目也在不断发展和调整,但是随着全民娱乐时代的到来,益智类节目的诸多问题如:节目同质化、低俗化和跟风现象也随之涌现出来。为防止荧屏过度娱乐化和低俗倾向,国家广电总局2011年7月下发了限娱令,《一站到底》也就是在这个大背景下由江苏卫视推出的新型益智类节目。《一站到底.》在已有的益智类节目模式下进行创新,形成了自己独特的品牌和风格。  【关键词】:一站到底;益智类