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当今的市场繁花似锦,当今的商品琳琅满目.然而当我们购买到一些商品,准备使用时,又会使人处于一种尴尬的境地.一袋包装装磺精美的即冲饮料,只要把袋子打开,将粒状饮料倒入杯中,开水一冲,醇香无比.但遗憾的是包装袋怎么也撕扯不开,只好极不雅观地牙手并用,即使撕裂开了,也难免部分撒落……这种上乘产品与包装缺陷的不统一性,必然影响产品的竞争力.因此,这里所说的包装缺陷而影响到使用的问题,就是工业设计所要解决的一个重要问题.何谓工业设计,目前世界上还没有一个统一的定义.我国称之谓“工业产品造型设计”,属于技术美学的范畴.它所研究和解决的是产品形态、结构、材料与功能的统一;与使用要求的统一;与人的生理与心理的协调,“工业设计”是工程技术与文化艺术相结合的一门新兴学科. Today’s market is full of flowers and there is an abundance of products available today, but when we buy something ready for use, it puts people in an awkward position. , Will be poured into the cup of granular drinks, a flush of boiling water, very mellow, but unfortunately the bag how to tear not open, only extremely unsightly teeth and use, even if torn open, it is inevitable part of the sprinkle ...... This superior product and packaging defects of the non-uniform, will inevitably affect the competitiveness of products.Therefore, the packaging defects mentioned here affect the use of the problem, that is, industrial design to solve an important issue.What is industrial design, the current world There is not a unified definition on what China calls the design of industrial products, which falls into the category of technical aesthetics, and its research and solution are the unification of product form, structure, materials and functions, and the unification with the requirements for use. People’s physical and psychological coordination, “Industrial Design” is a combination of engineering and culture and art of a new discipline.
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