冗余信息 背景知识与听力理解

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英语听力理解旨在测试学习者听懂所听材料的关键词和语言线索,最终理解所听材料主旨大意的能力。听懂关键词和语言线索是关键,因为这些关键词和语言线索揭示所听的对话或短文的中心意思。正如阅读理解一样,英语听力理解的重点也是要求学生从听力材料中获取重要的信息。但是不少学生认为,只有听懂听力材料中的每一个词后才能做到这一点。其结果是,在英语听力测试中,如果有一个词或一个词组没能听懂,他们便认为以后的材料听不懂了。有的学生心慌意乱,后面本可以听懂的材料在慌乱中也听不懂了;有的同学则干脆放弃不听。其实这种观点是一种误解。平时人们在使用语言进行交际时.并不是需要听懂话语中的每一个字才能听懂对方要表达的信息。听力理解练习和测试时的情况也是如此。根据信息论,人们在使用语言进行交际时、言语 English Listening Comprehension aims to test learners’ ability to understand the key words and language clues of the materials they listen to and finally understand the main purpose of the materials they listen to. Understanding key words and language clues is crucial because these key words and language clues reveal the central meaning of the dialogue or essay being heard. Just as reading comprehension, English listening comprehension is also focused on asking students to obtain important information from the listening material. But many students think that this can only be done by understanding every word in the listening material. As a result, in the English listening test, if there is a word or a phrase can not understand, they think the subsequent material does not understand. Some students flustered, behind the material can understand do not understand in panic; some students simply give up do not listen. In fact, this view is a misunderstanding. Usually when people use the language to communicate, they do not need to understand every word in the discourse to understand the other party’s message. The same is true of listening comprehension practice and testing. According to the theory of information, people use language to communicate when the language
通过对透射式GaAs光阴极“三物理过程”的描述和理论分析,指出了影响量子效率的不利因素,讨论和提出了克服、消除这些不利因素的方法、措施和途径。 Through the description and