Effects of confined space and near vision stimulation on refractive status and vitreous chamber dept

来源 :Science China(Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:resiaton
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This study aimed to investigate the effects of sustained near vision stimulation,on the refractive development and elongation of the vitreous chamber in adolescent rhesus monkeys.A total of 12 adolescent rhesus monkeys(1.5-2.0 years old) were randomly assigned to 3 groups.In groups A(n=4) and B(n=4),monkeys were reared in close-vision cages for 8 and 4 h d-1,respectively;tiny granules were added on the cage floor to avoid visual deprivation and to encourage near gaze.In group C(n=4),monkeys were reared in open-vision cages,with non-granule food as a control.Vitreous chamber depth,refractive status,and corneal refractive power were assessed over 18 months.Paired t-test was used to compare the differences and a P-value<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.In group A,vitreous chamber depth and optical axis elongated significantly,and refractive error shifted towards myopia during the observation period.In group B,vitreous chambers and optical axis elongated but the refractive power did not show significant changes.In group C,there was no significant elongation in vitreous chambers and optical axis,and the refractive power changed slightly towards hypermetropia.There were no significant changes in corneal refractive power in each group.Sustained near vision can promote vitreous chamber growth and induce myopic shifts in refractive power in adolescent monkeys.Our results demonstrate the potential for a primate model of near-work-related myopia. This study aimed to investigate the effects of sustained near vision stimulation, on the refractive development and elongation of the vitreous chamber in adolescent rhesus monkeys. A total of 12 adolescent rhesus monkeys (1.5-2.0 years old) were randomly assigned to 3 groups. groups A (n = 4) and B (n = 4), monkeys were reared in close-vision cages for 8 and 4 h d-1, respectively; tiny granules were added on the cage floor to avoid visual deprivation and to encourage near gaze.In group C (n = 4), monkeys were reared in open-vision cages, with non-granule food as a control. Vrereous chamber depth, refractive status, and corneal refractive power were assessed over 18 months. Paired t-test was used to compare the differences and a P-value <0.05 was considered to be significantly significant. In group A, vitreous chamber depth and optical axis elongated significantly, and refractive error shifted to myopia during the observation period. In group B, vitreous chambers and optical axis elongated but the refracti ve power did not show significant changes.In group C, there was no significant elongation in vitreous chambers and optical axis, and the refractive power changed slightly towards hypermetropia. There were no significant changes in corneal refractive power in each group. promote vitreous chamber growth and induce myopic shifts in refractive power in adolescent monkeys. Our results demonstrate the potential for a primate model of near-work-related myopia.
同学们:  今天,我在国旗下讲话的主题是:加油,中国!首先,我要为大家描述三个镜头。  第一个镜头:青海玉树地震现场。地震,这一近年来一再纠缠人类脆弱的大脑神经的自然灾害,总是在我们不经意的的瞬间猝然降临。2010年4月14日7时49分,地震再一次袭击了中国青海省的玉树,使这座神奇的藏区城市,顷刻间变成一片废墟。第一时间里,国家领导人作出重要批示,要求全力做好抗震救灾工作,千方百计救援受灾群众。还