Dynamic Properties of Concrete under Severe Environmental Condition

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsmwdevil
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Exposure to environmental conditions can significantly influence the mechanical behavior of concrete structures in civil engineering. In this study, the effect of environmental factors, such as moisture and temperature, on the strain-rate sensitivity of concrete mixtures was systematically investigated. The strain rate varied from 10-5s-1 to 10-2s-1. From the investigation it was concluded that moisture content had a significant influence on the strain-rate sensitivity of concrete. With regard to concrete with low moisture content, temperature had little influence on the rate-dependent behavior; while for fully saturated specimens, a significant influence was observed. These phenomena were attributed to the meso-scale bonding properties of the concrete matrix. Equations were derived to characterize the ultimate strength increment of concrete with strain rate under different environmental conditions. An explanation to the dynamic failure mechanisms of concrete based on the experimental findings was proposed. Exposure to environmental conditions can significantly influence the mechanical behavior of concrete structures in civil engineering. In this study, the effect of environmental factors, such as moisture and temperature, on the strain-rate sensitivity of concrete mixtures was systematically investigated. From the investigation it was shipped that moisture content had a significant influence on the strain-rate sensitivity of concrete. With regard to concrete with low moisture content, temperature had little influence on the rate-dependent behavior; while for fully saturated specimens, a significant influence was observed. These phenomena were attributed to the meso-scale bonding properties of the concrete matrix. Equations were derived to characterize the ultimate strength increment of concrete with strain rate under different environmental conditions. An explanation to the dynamic failure mechanisms of concrete based on the experimental findings was proposed.
去年暑假的一天,我到菜园里去摘菜,看到掉在地里的芝麻又长出了小苗苗。这些小苗苗会不会结籽呢?我决定亲自试一试。  我将它们间了苗,该移栽的进行了移栽。每天都去园子里看看,拔拔草,料理一下。小苗长得很快,不久居然开花了,接着结出了籽粒。爷爷说,要使芝麻尽快成熟,就得摘去芝麻的苗尖。我照样做了,结果在寒露节气前,芝麻成熟了。可能是没有施肥吧,芝麻杆不粗壮,籽粒结得也不多,但还是饱满的。不管怎么说,我还
听力题文字——、1.drink 2.like 3.walk 4.open 5.have 6.play参考答案小麻瓜难度一、A.④B.①C.③D.⑥E.⑤F.②二、1.e 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.d三、答案可不同,但要按照规律he,she
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一阵阵放肆的狂风,跟着一团团漆黑的乌云,跟着一阵阵隆隆的雷声,雨,敲锣打鼓地来了。天空阴森森的,乌云从天边滚滚而至,闪电像是一把闪着寒光的利剑,在天空中飞 Unbridled g