
来源 :科学技术与辩证法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icetuping
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人类心灵的本质问题是自笛卡尔以来西方哲学长期关注的一个重大理论问题,也是当代西方心灵哲学和语言哲学共同关注的一个焦点问题。在这个问题上,国际哲学界长期存在着一元论与二元论的争论,在某种程度上也就是物理主义与人类中心论的争论。本文在揭示了当代心灵理论的类型及其所面临困境的基础上,从人的本质及其心灵活动所具基本特征的角度对这些观点进行了批判,并对人类心灵的本质作出了既非纯粹物理主义,又非纯粹人类中心论,而是结合二者所长的自然主义新诠释 The essence of the human mind is a major theoretical issue that has long been the focus of Western philosophy since Descartes and a focus issue of contemporary Western philosophy of mind and language philosophy. On this issue, there is a long-standing debate in the international philosophical community between monism and dualism, and to some extent the debate between physicalism and anthropocentrism. On the basis of revealing the types of contemporary psychic theories and the difficulties they face, this paper criticizes these views from the perspectives of human nature and the basic features of their spiritual activities, and makes the essence of the human mind not only pure Physicalism, not a purely anthropocentric theory, but a new interpretation of naturalism combined with the two of them
Ten years study of selenium status in stream sediments, rocks, soils, water, cereal crops and food, as well as in the human tissues, has shown a Se deficiency i
Since 1957, selenium has found extensive use in livestock production to maintain an adequate selenium status in animals in areas of soil and feed/forage deficie