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高效的员工成就高效的组织,因此管理者需要具有帮助员工提升效率的能力,这就需要他们成为效率教练。管理者要做的是,运用教练技术帮助员工自己找到问题、解决问题。建立信任关系是教练能够有效操作的前提。只有建立了信任关系,被教练对象才能敞开心扉,展现真实的自己,使效率教练能够了解其真实的心态和所处的现状,帮助对方。 Efficient employees make for effective organization, so managers need the ability to help their employees to be more efficient, which requires them to become efficiency coaches. Managers need to do is to use coaching techniques to help employees find problems and solve problems. Establishing trust is a prerequisite for a coach to work effectively. Only by establishing a trust relationship can the trainer open his heart and show his true self so that the efficiency coach can understand his true state of mind and current situation and help each other.
Background and Methods: Many missense mutations in the voltage gated sodium channel subunit gene SCN1A were identified in patients with generalized epilepsy wit
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肝脏病学家在蒙特利尔的一次会议上报告,关于丙型肝炎联合疗法的现有资料都是非常初步的,还不足以推荐该疗法作为丙型肝炎的一种治疗方法。温尼伯卫生科学中心的Gerry Minuk