
来源 :科技信息(科学教研) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxebabi
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“差量法”是解化学计算题中应用非常广的一种方法,很多化学教师只是讲“差量法”在化学计算中的运用,而“差量法”的数学依据是什么?大多教师并没有讲清。笔者认为化学教师在讲化学计算题时,每一种方法的数学依据必须向学生解释清楚,否则学生就会感到只知其然,不知其所以然。 “Difference Method ” is a widely used method in chemistry calculation. Many chemistry teachers just talk about the use of “difference method ” in the calculation of chemistry, and the mathematical method of “difference method ” What is the basis? Most teachers did not make it clear. The author believes that when a chemistry teacher talks about a chemistry calculation problem, the mathematical basis of each method must be clearly explained to the students, otherwise the student will only know what they are doing and do not know why.
[关键词]中学化学 学困生 转化    一、化学科学困生的形成原因    1.化学学科因素。化学学科特点,很多学生学习中不能掌握;如:学科比较抽象,看不见、摸不着,使学生难以掌握,这样长期下去使学生失去了学习兴趣。  2.学生自身因素。学生学习目的不明确,没有学习的动力,学习中怕吃苦;学习方法不当,加上对化学学科的不了解,致使情绪波动很大,失去学习化学的兴趣。  3.教师、学校因素。由于教学任务重
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Background and Methods: Many missense mutations in the voltage gated sodium channel subunit gene SCN1A were identified in patients with generalized epilepsy wit
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