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目的获得总体耐药率、初始耐药率、复治耐药率资料,评价现行结核病控制措施效果。方法采用WHO/IUATLD《结核病耐药监测指南》要求的群整抽样方法,为了使耐药监测结果具有国际可比性,药敏试验采用比例法。结果共入选179例,其中初治患者158例,复治患者21例;总耐药率为16.3%,初始耐药率为11.9%,获得性耐药率为47.6%,总耐多药率为5.2%。结论总耐药率和初始耐药率均远远低于2000年结核病流行病学调查结果,而获得性耐药率水平相近。证明长兴县的结核病防治工作取得了良好的效益,特别是初始耐药率的下降则更加说明了防控工作的成效。但复治耐药仍需重点防控。 Objective To obtain the overall drug resistance rate, the initial drug resistance rate and the drug resistance rate, and evaluate the effect of the current TB control measures. Methods According to WHO / IUATLD cluster sampling method required by the Guidelines for Monitoring Tuberculosis Drug Resistance, in order to make the results of drug resistance surveillance internationally comparable, the susceptibility test adopts the proportional method. Results A total of 179 patients were enrolled, including 158 newly diagnosed patients and 21 retreatment patients. The total drug resistance rate was 16.3%, the initial drug resistance rate was 11.9% and the acquired drug resistance rate was 47.6% 5.2%. Conclusions The total drug resistance rate and the initial drug resistance rate are much lower than the results of the epidemiological survey of tuberculosis in 2000, and the acquired drug resistance rates are similar. It proved that the prevention and control of tuberculosis in Changxing County has achieved good results. In particular, the decline of the initial drug resistance rate further illustrates the effectiveness of prevention and control work. However, retreatment drug resistance still need to focus on prevention and control.
AIM:To examined the efficacy and safety of treatment with boceprevir,PEGylated-interferon and ribavirin(PR)in hepatitis C virus genotype 1(HCVGT1) PR treatmentf
邓小平领导党、政、军工作有两大明显特点: 一是主要抓原则,抓紧原则管理下属系统;二是精于协调,将所有的力量组成和谐统一的整体,去共同完成复杂艰巨的任务。他的两大领导
AIM: To study the effect of mobilized peripheral blood autologous CD34 positive(CD34+) cell infusion in patients with non-viral decompensated cirrhosis.METHODS: