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省级直属各机关单位已开始进行学习婚姻法和检查贯彻婚姻法。中共山西省委直属总党委会于二十六日晚七时至九时召集直属各机关单位县级以上干部会议,由省委宣传部部长池必卿同志作动员报告。池必卿同志首先阐述了婚姻法的精神实质和婚姻改革的性质和方针以后,接着就说明了在国家机关工作人员中进行学习婚姻法和贯彻婚姻法的重要性。他说:在我们国家机关中服务的不论是共产党员也好,青年团员也好,和所有干部与工作人员也好,都来自旧社会,而且现在仍然和旧的制度和旧的思想残余进行斗争。这就不可避免地要受到落后的反动的思想的影响和侵袭。社会生活中的残余某些错误思想倾向,势必反映到国家机关的内部。因此,要在广大人民群众中进行婚姻改革,彻底摧毁封建婚姻制度,树立新民主主义的婚姻制度,就必须首先在国家机关工作人员中彻底肃清封建残余思想,肃清新民主主义婚姻制度的封建主义婚姻制度的界限,扫除贯彻婚姻法的障碍,打下贯彻婚姻法的 Provincial agencies directly under the organs and units have begun to study the marriage law and inspection and implementation of the Marriage Law. The CPC Central Committee directly under Shanxi Provincial Party Committee convened a cadre meeting directly above the county level by organs and agencies at 7 pm to 9 pm on the 26th and mobilized the report by Comrade Chi Bingqing, director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee. After expounding on the essence of marriage law and the nature and the principle of marriage reform, Comrade Chi I-Ching subsequently explained the importance of studying the law of marriage and carrying out the marriage law among the staff of state organs. He said: Whether it is a communist member, a youth league member, and all cadres and staff members who serve in our state organs come from the old society and are still struggling with the old system and remnants of old ideologies . This will inevitably be affected and attacked by the backward reactionary thinking. Certain erroneous ideological tendencies in the remnants of social life are bound to be reflected in the internal organs of the state. Therefore, if we want to carry out the marriage reform among the broad masses of the people, completely destroy the feudal marriage system and establish a new-democratic marriage system, we must first thoroughly eliminate the remnants of feudalism in the organs of state organs and eliminate the feudalism of the new-democratic marriage system The boundaries of the marriage system, remove barriers to the implementation of the Marriage Law and lay down the implementation of the Marriage Law
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