
来源 :青少年科技博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:htloveqy
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分析当前小学生的学习现状,一个令人担忧的问题就是厌学情绪的滋长和蔓延。小学生的厌学情绪主要有以下几种表现。(1)学习动力不足。面对学校中激烈的学习竞争,一些学生的内心感受是,学习没意思,迫于形势又不得不学,可学着又觉得没什么劲头。(2)丧失学习兴趣。这部分学生大多是学习不良者,感到学习是件苦差事,学习起来沉闷而又无精打采。(3)根本不想学习。 Analyzing the current learning situation of primary school students, a worrying issue is the growth and spread of tiredness. There are mainly the following manifestations of schoolboy’s weariness. (1) Insufficient motivation for learning. Facing the fierce learning competition in schools, some students feel that their inner feelings are that learning is not fun, they have to learn because of the situation, and they feel that they have no experience in learning. (2) Loss of interest in learning. Most of these students are poor learners. They feel that learning is a chore, learning is boring and listless. (3) Do not want to learn at all.
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