40% of top 100 firms slow in social responsibility

来源 :China Economist | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengji1
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In this paper,we set up a theoretical mode covering responsibility management and economic,social and environmental responsibilities on the basis of classic corporate social responsibility(CSR) theories such as the Triple Bottom Line and the Stakeholders Theory.Through a benchmarking analysis of the international CSR index,domestic proposal letters on fulf illing social responsibilities and the world top 500 enterprises’ CSR reports,we have established an industry-specific CSR index system.Using information from CSR reports,corporate annual reports and corporate official Web sites,we have made an evaluation of China’s Top 100 enterprises’ CSR management systems and their disclosure of CSR information.The evaluation results indicate that about two-thirds of the enterprises are behind in CSR management and insuff iciently disclose CSR information;CSR management lags significantly behind CSR practice;the corporate scale has a positive correlation with the CSR index;and industries’ CSR index performances vary significantly,with the grid and electric power industries leading the way and most other industries at the participation level. In this paper, we set up a theoretical mode covering responsibility management and economic, social and environmental responsibilities on the basis of classic corporate social responsibility (CSR) theories such as the Triple Bottom Line and the Stakeholders Theory. Through a benchmarking analysis of the international CSR index, domestic proposal letters on fulfilling social responsibilities and the world top 500 enterprises’ CSR reports, we have established an industry-specific CSR index system. Use information from CSR reports, corporate annual reports and corporate official Web sites, we have made an evaluation of China’s Top 100 enterprises’ CSR management systems and their disclosure of CSR information. The evaluation results indicate that about two-thirds of the enterprises are behind in CSR management and insuff iciently disclose CSR information; CSR management lags significant behind CSR practice; the corporate scale has a positive correlation with the CSR index; and industries’ CSR ind ex performances vary significantly, with the grid and electric power industries leading the way and most other industries at the participation level
考前的最佳状态 ——适度紧张 李某某,男,1999年考入上海 交通大学。 我在考试前(心态)都是比较平 稳的,因为我平时成绩都在年级前 50名。我认为高考前保持适度的紧 张很重要
山西大同云冈石窟研究院近期对外发布重大考古发现:已坍塌1500年之久的云冈石窟第20窟的西立佛,经考古工作者一年多的整理研究,根据100多块出土石块的形状,基本确定了大佛的佛衣及手印等形状,这是该佛像自北魏坍塌后其形态首次被世人所识。  云冈石窟位于山西省大同市西16公里的武周山麓,现存主要洞窟45个,计1100多个小龛,大小造像51000余尊,是我国规模最大的石窟群之一。2001年云冈石窟被联合