Isolation and Purification of Icraiin from Epimedium wushanense T. S. Ying by Polymide Column Chroma

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szj188
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[Objective] The aim was to investigate the technological parameters of the refining process of Icraiin from Epimedium wushanense T. S. Ying by polyamide. [Method] Polyamide chromatogram was adopted to separate and purify. Gradient elution used 10%-40% alcohol, and HPLC was adopted to undertake assaying of the Icraiin. [Result] The content of the Icraiin by adopting the gradient elution with 30% alcohol was 17.22%. Total yield reached 95.97%. [Conclution] The method is simple to operate and has good reproducibility. It can purify and enrich the Icraiin from E. wushanense effectively. [Objective] The aim was to investigate the technological parameters of the refining process of Icraiin from Epimedium wushanense TS Ying by polyamide. [Method] Polyamide chromatogram was adopted to separate and purify. Gradient elution used 10% -40% alcohol, and HPLC was [Result] The content of the Icraiin by adopting the gradient elution with 30% alcohol was 17.22%. Total yield reached 95.97%. [Result] The method is simple to operate and has good reproducibility. It can purify and enrich the Icraiin from E. wushanense effectively.
[Objective] A new method for the industrial extraction of essential oil from Ramulus Cinnamomi was selected. [Method] With cinnamaldehyde as standard substance,
美国社会心理学家、比较心理学家,人本主义心理学(Humanistic Psychology)的主要创建者马斯洛(Maslow)在20世纪40年代提出的“需要层次理论”认为,个体需要包括五个层次的需