
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshunsheng
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目的比较4、6月龄母乳喂养婴儿各铁状况指标的性别差异。方法在北京某医院征集铁营养状况正常、足月妊娠的孕妇,选择正常出生体重的足月婴儿并要求婴儿在4月龄内基本纯母乳喂养。在4月龄时将追踪到的婴儿随机分成对照组和补铁组,补铁组婴儿进行为期2个月的预防性铁补充(补铁剂量为每日1mg/kg),对照组婴儿不予干预。4月和6月龄时,采集静脉血测定血常规及其他各项铁营养状况指标并测量其生长发育各项指标。结果追踪结束后,4、6月龄时完成随访的婴儿分别有178例、85例。4月龄时男婴的Hb水平比女婴低1g/L,但无统计学差异(P=0.422)。男婴的MCV值、SF值均低于女婴,sTfR值高于女婴,三个指标的性别间差异具有统计学意义。6月龄时各指标结果保持了4月时的差异趋势,MCV的性别差异具有统计学意义。结论 4月龄和6月龄男婴患铁缺乏的风险更大,需要针对不同性别制定各铁营养状况指标的诊断界值和膳食铁需要量,同时注意科学喂养。 Objective To compare the gender differences in iron status indicators of breastfeeding infants aged 4-6 months. Methods A pregnant woman with normal iron nutrition status and full-term pregnancy was recruited from a hospital in Beijing to select full-term infants of normal birth weight and to require infants to be basically exclusively breastfed within 4 months of age. Infants at 4 months of age were randomized into control and iron supplementation groups. Infants in the iron supplemented group received prophylactic iron supplementation for 2 months at a dose of iron supplement of 1 mg / kg daily. Control infants were excluded Intervention. In April and June, venous blood was collected for the determination of blood routine and other iron nutrition status indicators and to measure various indicators of their growth and development. Results After follow-up, there were 178 infants completed at 4 and 6 months of age, and 85 infants were followed up. At 4 months of age, the Hb level in the male infant was 1 g / L lower than in the female infant, but not statistically significant (P = 0.422). The infant boys had lower MCV and SF values ​​than female babies and higher sTfR values ​​than female babies. There was statistically significant difference in gender among the three indicators. At 6 months of age, the results of each index kept the trend of difference at April, and the gender difference of MCV was statistically significant. Conclusions 4-month and 6-month-old boys are at greater risk of developing iron deficiency and need to develop diagnostic cutoffs and dietary iron requirements for iron status indicators for each gender, taking care of scientific feeding.
本国际标准规定了阀门致动器的机械完整性和尺寸选择的要求,该致动器适用于按照ISO14313及API Spec6D生产的阀门。本国际标准适用于安装在管道阀门上的各种电动、气动及液动
经过几代人的努力,天津邮 政博物馆终于在今年动 工兴建。耸立在天津解放北路111号的大清邮政津局旧址大楼,作为我国近代邮政创办初期保留下来的唯一局房,1997年被天津市人民
宫颈癌合并妊娠的传统处理是首先考虑孕妇的健康 ,根据宫颈癌的临床期别及孕妇的一般情况予以相应的治疗。年轻且有强烈生育要求者若在妊娠早、中期发现宫颈癌 ,处理较为困难
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