
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gwzdx1
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本文针对中原油田采油六厂采油计量站日常维修更换法兰式阀门石棉密封垫子时依然采用撬杠和千斤顶操作,存在的操作速度慢、停井时间长、安全性差、油井开井时率降低、原油产量受到影响等问题,提出了研制法兰开口器。该技术主要是改变了操作人员使用的工具的操作方法,把过去使用撬杠和千斤顶才能进行维修保养的方式改变成利用法兰开口器进行维修保养方法,避免操作人员操作时的不安全性,达到了操作简单、节约采油成本的目的。 In this paper, Zhongyuan Oilfield 6th Oil Production Metering Station routine maintenance replacement of the flange valve asbestos gasket still use the crowbar and jack operation, there is slow operation, long downtime, poor security, oil wells open down rate, Crude oil production is affected, and other issues, proposed the development of flange opener. The technology is mainly to change the operation of the tools used by the operator to change the way in the past to use the crowbar and jack to carry out maintenance and repair methods using the flange opener to avoid the unsafe operation of the operator, Achieved a simple operation, the purpose of saving oil costs.
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本国际标准规定了阀门致动器的机械完整性和尺寸选择的要求,该致动器适用于按照ISO14313及API Spec6D生产的阀门。本国际标准适用于安装在管道阀门上的各种电动、气动及液动
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