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各成员: 考虑到乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判;期望促进1994年关税和贸易总协定的各项目标的实现;认识到国际标准和合格评定体系可以通过提高生产效率和便利国际贸易作出重大贡献;因此期望鼓励制定此类国际标准和合格评定体系;但期望这些技术法规和标准,包括对包装、标志和标签的要求,以及对技术法规和标准的合格评定程序不要给国际贸易制造不必要的障碍;认识到不应阻止任何国家采取必要措施,在其认为适当的程度保证其出口产品的质量,或保护人类、动物或植物的生命或健康,保护环境,或防止欺诈行为。但不能利用这些措施作为对情况相同国家进行任意或无理歧视或变相限制国际贸易的手段;认识到不应阻止任何国家采取必要措施保护其基本安全利益;认识到国际标准化在发达国家向发展中国家转让技术方面可以作出的贡献;认识到发展中国家在制定和实施技术法规、标准以及为符合技术法规 Members: Taking into account the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations; Expected to promote the achievement of the goals of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1994; Recognizing that international standards and conformity assessment systems can make a significant contribution by improving productive efficiency and facilitating international trade; Encouraging the development of such international and conformity assessment systems; however, it is expected that these technical regulations and standards, including the requirements for packaging, labeling and labeling, and the conformity assessment procedures for technical regulations and standards, will not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade; No country should be prevented from taking the necessary measures to guarantee the quality of its exports to the extent it deems appropriate or to protect the life or health of human beings, animals or plants, to protect the environment or to prevent fraud. But can not avail themselves of these measures as a means of arbitrarily or unreasonably discriminating or disguising international trade in situations where the same is true; Recognizing that no country should be prevented from taking the necessary measures to protect its fundamental security interests; Recognizing that international standardization, in developed and developing countries, Contributions to the transfer of technology; Recognizing the developing countries’ efforts to formulate and implement technical regulations and standards and to comply with technical regulations
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