Relationship Between Changes in Leaf Endogenous Hormone Contents and Senescence During Grain Filling

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shb
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A major problem in hybrid rice production is the occurrence of leaf senescence during the grain filling stage that can result in reduction of yield. Changes in contents of several endogenous hormones are related to leaf senescence. The relationship between endogenous hormones and leaf senescence in the rice hybrid Tiyou 418 and its parents Tijin and C418, was undertaken for investigation. Indicators of leaf senescence, including superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation and chlorophyll content, as well as the contents of abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin riboside (ZR), gibberellin (GA1/3) and auxin (IAA) in the leaves were determined. Different rates of leaf senescence were observed in the three materials. Senescence occurred earliest and fastest in Tijin, followed by Tiyou 418 and then C418. A similar trend was recorded in ABA, ZR, and IAA contents during the grain filling stage in the three materials. Changes in (GA1/3+ZR+IAA)/ABA ratios were also similar, being quite stable during the early stage of leaf senescence, and decreasing markedly during the late stage. The ratio declined more dramatically in Tijin, in accordance with its faster leaf senescence. The results suggest that the ratio of (GA1/3+ZR+IAA)/ABA regulates chlorophyll content, SOD activity, MDA content and membrane lipid peroxidation. It is postulated that endogenous hormones may play a role in the regulation of leaf senescence in a systematic way. A major problem in hybrid rice production is the occurrence of leaf senescence during the grain filling stage that can result in reduction of yield. Changes in contents of several endogenous hormones are related to leaf senescence. The relationship between endogenous hormones and leaf senescence in the rice Indicators of leaf senescence, including superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation and chlorophyll content, as well as the contents of abscisic acid (ABA), zeatin Different rates of leaf senescence were observed in the three materials. Senescence occurred earliest and fastest in Tijin, followed by Tiyou 418 and then C418. A similar trend was recorded in ABA, ZR, and IAA contents during the grain filling stage in the three materials. Changes in (GA1 / 3 + ZR + IAA) / ABA ratios were also similar, bei ng quite stable during the early stage of leaf senescence, and decreasing markedly during the late stage. The ratio declined more dramatically in Tijin, in accordance with its faster leaf senescence. The results suggest that the ratio of (GA1 / 3 + ZR + IAA ) / ABA regulates chlorophyll content, SOD activity, MDA content and membrane lipid peroxidation. It is postulated that endogenous hormones may play a role in the regulation of leaf senescence in a systematic way.
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