Aesthetic community's traditional cultural and architectural

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  【Summary】:Traditional and modern design integration of inheritance and generation of village communities reflected it is obvious,This is the attitude of the designer for the built environment and to ponder the choice,The use of traditional cultural elements in modern building and take it leisurely and oppressively in the process, material,We in the rural community construction of traditional culture and modern architecture, modern landscape has a more rational understanding,Reflect the designer's pursuit of a picture of the deep harmony and the history and culture of the traditional inheritance and development.
  【Key words】: design;culture;aesthetics
  Dai Cun Lan Ling County, since the Warring States Xunzi period by the influence of Confucian culture, in the northern and Southern Dynasties Northern Territory, due to the Northern Dynasty Royal family are subject to the influence of Buddhism, therefore for thousands of years by influencing the thoughts of Confucian teaching release, thought that we saw in the village community construction of fusion, such as filial piety, management, such as, such as good.
  To the exaggeration of "courtyard" in the image of the overall design of the village community, Southeast of East to the arch for "front door", the northwest at the junction of county of the south loop path for "back door", in the construction for the pavilion Gallery Pavilion ", in the green landscape, to the square as" yard ". Different architectural styles and the corresponding function embodies the traditional cultural elements and the elements of influence on agriculture.In residential design, of China's ancient architectural dignified and generous, stretch introverted characteristics, especially in the building body intentionally added traditional construction beams structure processing and dougong style, although it is not the real wood brackets structure building, but in the processing technology realized the decoration of the girder and arch, in the form of highlights the traditional elements; in the building's windows processing with the flower window, rows of windows and other elements; in the courtyard of the house door also learned of the traditional elements, such as the roof of the gate are higher than walls, Chuihua doors etc.
  Architectural design of generation village mall in the more embodies the combination of using modern materials and traditional elements, with a reasonable size of the, this design is materials science and technology highlights, combination of size and reasonable arrangement, elements of traditional culture, modern science and technology, the reasonable size, the integration of design is beautiful.   The design of the road lamp in the village community is the combination and application of traditional cultural elements in modern technology materials. On behalf of the village community belonging to Lan Ling County, since the Warring States period, that is, by the influence of Confucian culture, street lamp design with Confucianism developed into the country's dominant thought Han ("deposed 100, Confucianism only" Han Dynasty architectural style, Han Dynasty building "chevron" use in the street lamp, not only on the culture and style formed elements of traditional culture inheritance and carry forward the and in the environment with the overall design environment; also in the proportion of strictly in accordance with the ergonomic standard distribution, reflecting the humanization design. Night in a row row of neat rows of street lamp, landscape lamp one lit up, forming a orderly road signs of division, in culture, technical materials, practical reach.
  On behalf of the village community and some original farm goods, before the "village construction area" project, here is in the countryside, many get the tools on display in the yard, in the "village construction area", the designers in order to "farming" the theme of stay, and do not have these tools discarded fall, but according to the design plan will be a variety of tools were placed on some vacant ground scene, school and other places, but not so for the continuation of the custom culture and retention, also in time to remind members of the community did not forget, this is the Confucianism culture, which reflects the generation of design the village community is not only in the design of reasonable and perfect in dealing with human nature, culture and local customs and practices on.
  On behalf of the village community not only from the appearance of let people feel the "taste of terroir" traditional elements with modern architecture combined with, if people have a sense of view to immersive experience will into the found out beyond the books belonging to the local the sense of belonging and happiness feeling, but we also see some deficiencies, such as the fountain in the square, outdoor fitness equipment, such as the selection and processing is not reasonable and the whole environment better fusion. Of course, any design is not perfect, preferences are always in a different time period of non-stop change. Show up in multiple aspects of the generation of village community design in architectural design, design of public, cultural integration, humane treatment is environmental art design esthetics essential part, also a good display, showing the excellent design of the village community of environmental art design esthetics.
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【摘要】:普通话与周口方言中的四声调值有一定的对应关系,若学生能掌握住这个关系,那么它不仅能够提高学生学习普通话的效率,同时也能让更多的人了解周口人之所以说话比较生硬的理论依据。  【关键词】:调值;四声;周口方言;普通话  语言是用声音来表现人们彼此之间的思维、情感和行为动作的一种交流工具。由于我国地域辽阔,民族众多,各个地方方言繁杂,人们在交际中用不规范的语言进行交谈极为不便。而普通话作为我国
【摘要】:“中国梦”是随着经济深入发展适时提出的,振奋起民族自豪感和自信心。“中国梦”的实现需要个人梦想、民族梦想的结合统一;需要传统文化作为核心和纽带。民族的伟大是文化的伟大。传承和发展民族文化需要融入经济建设中。  【关键词】:“中国梦”;“个体梦”;传统文化  2012年,习近平总书记提出“实现中华民族伟大复兴, 就是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想”,近代以来中华民族的种种遭遇和磨难以及近几十
【摘要】:随着全球化脚步的加快,国际间经济文化等各种形式的交流日趋频繁。在交流中仅打破了语言障碍只迈出了一小步。各民族有不同的文化背景,跨文化交际又给国际交流带来了新挑战。不同文化背景的人在交往过程中不可避免地会遇到由于文化差异而带来的问题,甚至引起冲突。要想避免冲突,我们需要对不同的语言和文化进行深入的研究。本文就中英语言禁忌作为研究主题,从中英两种语言着手对这一文化现象做简要分析。  【关键词
【摘要】:本文着重从主体、客体、产生机制、应对要求等方面阐述了舆情与舆论的差异,并分析了舆情与民意的不同,探讨了舆情与网络舆情的关系。  【关键词】:舆情;基本概念;辨析  随着互联网特别是移动互联网的迅速发展,截至2015年9月,全国仅手机上网用户就达9.01亿,每天都有大量的网民通过新闻网站、论坛、微博、微信等各种途径获取时政新闻,并跟帖发表自己的看法,形成了复杂的网络舆情。要实现有效应对网络
【摘要】:中国社会工作虽然已有三十多年的发展历史,但是其社会认同度仍然很低。究其原因,文化环境中的观念文化环境问题已成为中国社会工作发展的重要瓶颈。而要想提升社会工作的认同度,就需要优化观念文化环境,转变、改变观念文化环境中传统群众工作的价值观念和实践方式。从而提升社会工作的社会认同度,加快中国社会工作的本土化。  【关键词】:文化环境;社会工作;社会认同度  一、问题的提出  社会工作的发展与特
【摘要】:网络语言自出现之日起就因其简洁、形象的特点而深受网民们的推崇。如今的网络语言更是成为了人际交流语言的一部分。该文拟从符号学角度出发,试图对符号学的不同界定进行解释,进而分析网络语言符号的演变规律,通过分析,该文发现网络语言的演变规律主要体现在形式表达和内容表达两方面。  【关键词】:网络语言;符号学;演变规律  语言学家索绪尔认为,语言本身就是一种符号系统,语言正是通过这种系统来传达概念
【摘要】:文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。全面建成小康社会,必须推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,兴起文化建设新高潮,提高文化软实力,发挥文化引领风尚、教育人民、服务社会、推动发展的作用。近年来,在县委、县政府的坚强领导下,文化建设取得了显著成绩,但与坚持文化强县还有一定差距。本文主要分析了建设文化强县过程中存在的主要问题,并提出了加快文化建设的意见。  【关键词】:文化;推动作用;研究  玛曲县
【摘要】:生态翻译学理论为生态翻译学研究和译作分析开辟了新的道路。根据生态翻译学的观点,译者应该在语言维、文化维、交际维三个层面进行多维度适应与适应性选择。本文从生态翻译理论的“三维”转换角度出发,对《春怨》的英译本进行比较与评析,探讨译本的美与缺,寻求最佳译作。  【关键词】:生态翻译;适应选择;《春怨》译本  一.引言  2006年,胡庚申教授以达尔文生物进化论中的适应选择学说为依据,正式提出