Kinetic Mass Transfer Between Non-aqueous Phase Liquid and Gas During Soil Vapor Extraction

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mxh1289
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The mass transfer between non-aqueous phase liquid(NAPL) phase and soil gas phase in soil vapor ex-traction(SVE) process has been investigated by one-dimensional venting experiments. During quasi-steady volatilization of three single-component NAPLs in a sandy soil, constant initial lumped mass transfer coefficient (λgN,o) can be obtained if the relative saturation (ξ) between NAPL phase and gas phase is higher than a critical value (ξc), and the lumped mass transfer coefficient decreases with ξ when ξ<ξc. It is also shown that the lumped mass transfer coefficient can be increased by blending porous micro-particles into the sandy soil because of the increasing of the interfacial area. The mass transfer between non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) phase and soil gas phase in soil vapor ex-traction (SVE) process has been investigated by one-dimensional venting experiments. During quasi-steady volatilization of three single-component NAPLs in a sandy soil, constant initial lumped mass transfer coefficient (λgN, o) can be obtained if the relative saturation (ξ) between NAPL phase and gas phase is higher than a critical value (ξc), and the lumped mass transfer coefficient decreases with ξ when ξ <ξc. It is also shown that the lumped mass transfer coefficient can be increased by blending porous micro-particles into the sandy soil because of the increasing of the interfacial area.
A type of wavelet neural network, in which the scale function is adopted only, is proposed in this paper for non-linear dynamic process modelling. Its network s
目的:建立黄褐毛忍冬总皂苷中α-常春藤皂苷的含量测定方法。方法:采用HPLC法对黄褐毛忍冬总皂苷中α-常春藤皂苷进行含量测定,色谱柱为Welchrom C18(5μm,4.6×250 mm);流动