Temporal variation of gravity-field in North China before and after the 2011 Japan Mw9. 0 earthquake

来源 :Geodesy and Geodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pcfanzb
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By using absolute and relative-gravity data recorded by the gravity network in North China,we obtained some large-scale and high-spatial-resolution images of gravity variation in this area for the first time. By analyzing these images,we found that the gravity in Liaodong peninsula area showed an obvious increase of 80 × 10 -8ms -2 during about one-and-half year before the 2011 Japan Mw9. 0 earthquake,and a rapid decrease after the earthquake. This gravity variation is similar to that observed previously for the 1976 Tangshan M7. 8 earthquake. By using absolute and relative-gravity data recorded by the gravity network in North China, we obtained some large-scale and high-spatial-resolution images of gravity variation in this area for the first time. By analysis these images, we found that the gravity in Liaodong peninsula area showed an obvious increase of 80 × 10 -8ms -2 during about one-and-half year before the 2011 Japan Mw9. 0 earthquake, and a rapid decrease after the earthquake. This gravity variation is similar to that that observed previously for the 1976 Tangshan M7. 8 earthquake.
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重塑警察形象 1999年6月,山东威海交警成立了1O中队,王道珊任中队长。 上任后的王道珊深感肩上责任的重大。夜,月亮就像一只大圆盘,高高地悬挂在黑黑的苍穹。繁星闪烁,忙碌