The Effects of Peanut Intercropping with Different Gramineous Species and Their Intercropping Model

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The effects of peanut intercropped with five different gramineous species with different phyto-siderophore release rate on iron nutrition of peanut were studied in field experiment. The rate of phyto-siderophore release of five gramineous species was as following: barley>oats>wheat>>maize>sorghum. The results showed that intercropping of peanut with five gramineous species could improve iron nutrition of peanut respectively. This indicated that root exudates, especially for phytosiderophore of gramineous plants played an important role in improvement of iron nutrition of peanut. Although phytosiderophore release rates of maize and sorghum were lower than those of barley, oats and wheat, the five gramineous species had the same effects on iron improvement of peanut. The less phytosiderophore release of maize was enough to improve iron nutrition of peanut in intercropping system. For every intercropping system, intercropping model I ( the ratio of gramineous plants : peanut : gramineous plants was 2 : 3:2 The rates of phyto-siderophore release of five gramineous species was as follows: barley> oats> wheat >> maize> sorghum. The results showed that intercropping of peanut with five gramineous species could improve iron nutrition of peanut respectively. This indication that root exudates, especially for phytosiderophore of gramineous plants played an important role in improvement of iron nutrition of peanut. Although phytosiderophore release rates of maize and sorghum were lower than those of barley, oats and wheat, the five gramineous species had the same effects on iron improvement of peanut. The less phytosiderophore release of maize was enough to improve iron nutrition of peanut in intercropping system. For every intercropping system, intercropping model I (the ratio of gramineous plants: peanut: gramineous plants was 2: 3: 2
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