Chance-constrained programming (CCP)abatement of SO_2 emission for acid deposition control in Liuzho

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiawayu
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A deterministic linear programming model which optimizes the abatement of each SO2 emission source, is extended into a CCP form by introducing equations of probabilistic constrained through the incorporation of uncertainty in the source-receptor-specific transfer coefficients. Based on the calculation of SO2 and sulfate average residence time for Liuzhou City, a sulfur deposition model has been developed and the distribution of transfer coefficients have been found to be approximately log-normal. Sulfur removal minimization of the model shows that the abatement of emission sources in the city is more effective, while control cost optimization provides the lowest cost programmes for source abatement at each allowable deposition limit under varied environmental risk levels. Finally a practicable programme is recommended. Based on the calculation of SO2 and sulfate, A deterministic linear programming model which optimizes the abatement of each SO2 emission source, is extended into a CCP form by introducing equations of probabilistic constrained through the in of of uncertainty in the source-receptor-specific transfer coefficients. The average residence time for Liuzhou City, a sulfur deposition model has been developed and the distribution of transfer filters have been found to be approximately log-normal. Sulfur removal minimization of the model shows that the abatement of emission sources in the city is more effective, Finally, a control plan for source abatement at each allowable deposition limit under varied environmental risks levels. Finally a practicable programme is recommended.
一、问题的提出 共晶铝硅系合金ZL8硬度取样,目前不少生产厂家是采用切削成品活塞顶部10~12毫米,模拟活塞,随工件淬火,时效处理,在布氏硬度计上按工艺要求测量三点硬度。这种
一个由法国原子能委员会及法国卫生和健康研究院的科研人员组成的研究小组发现,人对数字概念的认知自出生后3个月起就开始初步形成。 A research team composed of research