
来源 :中国黄金珠宝 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lewllen
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他个子不是很高,双目有神却不犀利,语速跟眼神的变换几乎是同频率的,不急不缓,你会觉得这是一位思维非常缜密的人。他回答你的每一个问题都不用思考很久,好像答案是即时提取的,但又都是你想知道的。这个人一身休闲打扮,咖色的T恤衫看起来是几年前买的,灰色的牛仔裤几乎洗得发白。如果不经人介绍,在路上与他相遇,会让人觉得他是一个标准的路人甲,而不是一个崛起中的珠宝大亨。他是吴德荣,金嘉利珠宝首饰有限公司(以下简称“金嘉利”)董事长,莆田人。吴德荣从1992年开始踏入珠宝行业,最开始是做金银首饰加工工具的生产、销售,而此时他事业的 He is not very tall, his eyes are not sharp, speed of speech with the change of eyes almost the same frequency, not urgent, you will think this is a very thoughtful people. He answers each of your questions without thinking too long, as if the answers were extracted on the fly, but all you want to know. The man in a casual dress, coffee color T shirt looks a few years ago bought gray jeans almost washed white. If not introduced, met him on the road, will make people think he is a standard passerby, rather than a rising jewelry tycoon. He is Wu Derong, chairman of Jinjiali Jewelry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jinjiali”), Putian people. Wu Derong from 1992 into the jewelry industry, the beginning is to do gold and silver jewelry processing tools production and sales, and this time his career
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本院1980~1990年共收治血播型结核186例,本文就其中18例60岁以上者的临床及X线特点进行分析,并随机抽取20例同期住院的18~30岁青年血 In our hospital, 186 cases of blood s
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初涉足教育科研的人 ,尤其是中小学教师 ,在开始进行研究工作之前 ,总觉得自己头脑中没有什么明确的问题。生活天天如此 :上课 ,下课 ,批改作业 ,和学生谈话 ,完成领导布置的
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