A Simple Method to Solve the Network Congestion for Spitial Architcture

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psh860525
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Scheduling algorithm always plays an important role in the spatial architecture for the contradiction between the finite network bandwidth and the abundant execution resources. This article provides a simple method to solve the contention for network resource in one of the spatial architecture, i.e. the tera-op, reliable, intelligently adaptive processing system(TRIPS) processor. The method improves the performance of network by increasing the bypass bandwidth which can transmit the data in the internal of every execution unit, and converting the proportion of remote communication by the deep scheduling algorithm. The deeply optimized algorithm is realized to verify the validity of the method, and the performance increase 9% for floating point spec2000 benchmark is got. Scheduling algorithm always plays an important role in the spatial architecture for the contradiction between the finite network bandwidth and the abundant execution resources. This article provides a simple method to solve the contention for network resource in one of the spatial architecture, ie the tera-op , reliable, intelligently adaptive processing system (TRIPS) processor. The method improves the performance of network by increasing the bypass bandwidth which can transmit the data in the internal of every execution unit, and converting the proportion of remote communication by the deep scheduling algorithm. The deeply optimized algorithm is realized to verify the validity of the method, and the performance increase 9% for floating point spec2000 benchmark is got.
<正> 教育人类学(Educational anthropology)是应用人类学的概念、原理和方法来研究教育的一门介于教育学和人类学之间的新兴边缘学科。尽管从学科的主要概念体系到理论框架等还须进一步完善,但这门学科本身的科学地位已经确立起来,并且,在国外已有了长足的发展,对许多国家的教育政策和教育规划的制定都产生了较大的影响。教育人类学倡导从人类发展的宏观高度来把握现代教育本质,打破了那种囿于教育本位、就教育论教育的思维定势,提供了一个联系人类历史发展进
中广协户外广告委员会副主任委员、吉林省广告协会副秘书长、吉林省老年书画研究会常务理事、长春文学社团协会副主席 Vice chairman of China Association for Outdoor Adv
有个人在沙漠行走,迷失了方向,找不到出路。这时他遇见了另一个人,于是他问对方:“先生,我迷了路,你可以告诉我怎样走出这片沙漠吗?”“对不起。”这个陌生人对他说,“我也不知道怎样才能走出去,但也许我们可以结伴同行,一起寻找出路!”  这是一位美国著名心理学家在《心灵故事》里所写到的一个场景和对话。关于这段话的前因后果,我们无须赘述,因为无论他们最终有没有走出这片沙漠都已经不重要了,重要的是他们在这片