A Pressing Priority

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Cannes,France is well known as the venue of the Festival de Cannes,one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world. When the event is held each year, movie stars from across the globe draw worldwide attention. On November 3-4, the seaside resort once again attracted the focus of global atten- tion, Cannes, France is well known as the venue of the Festival de Cannes, one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world. When the event is held every year, movie stars from across the globe draw worldwide attention. On November 3-4, the seaside resort once again attracted the focus of global attention,
在RJX-60-9型的箱式电炉的炉膛内壁耐火砖上,贴一层厚为10毫米的硅酸铝耐火纤维毡,作为保温层。这种方法简单易行,节电效果明显,改造后电炉升温时可节电50%。 60千瓦箱式电炉
文化差异──翻译中的对应与非对应郑书波Culture,asoneofthemostimPortantfactorsInfluencingtranslatlon,haslongbeendiscussedandcon-trovertedbymanytra... Cultural differences ─ ─ correspondence in translation and non-correspondence Zheng Shubo Culture, asoneofthemostim
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据国际地科联(IUGS)的机关刊物《EPISODES》(1980,卷No.2)报道,国际地科联的地层委员会已选定用中文“山”(mountain)字的仿宋体作为其会标。这个 According to the public