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绿色建筑在我国的建筑工程中已经越来越重要。伴随着我国能源问题以及环境保护问题的不断深入发展,在建筑工程中,绿色建筑已经越来越受到关注和重视。伴随着我国建筑行业在设计以及施工过程中绿色建筑的不断应用,我国的建筑行业已经走上了一条可持续发展的道路。在建筑工程的设计阶段,绿色建筑电气设计已经成为了电气设计的一种标准配置和应用。人们对于建筑物的环保要求越来越高,因此在建筑工程设计过程中,我们不仅仅要对建筑工程的外观给予考虑,建筑工程的安全性能以及舒适度也要进行相应的考虑,但是其中最重要的还是要在绿色环保的问题上进行考虑,只有这样的建筑设计才是满足我国目前建筑工程发展要求的设计。文章主要针对绿色建筑电气设计的相关内容进行分析和阐述,希望通过文章的阐述以及分析能够有效地提升我国在电气设计过程中的绿色设计,同时也为我国绿色建筑的进一步提升以及创新贡献力量。 Green building has become more and more important in the construction of our country. With the continuous development of China’s energy problems and environmental protection issues, green building has drawn more and more attention in construction projects. With the continuous application of green building in the design and construction of China’s construction industry, China’s construction industry has embarked on a path of sustainable development. In the design phase of a building project, the green building electrical design has become a standard configuration and application of electrical design. People are more and more demanding on the environmental protection of buildings. Therefore, in the process of building engineering design, we should not only consider the appearance of the building engineering, but also consider the safety performance and comfort of the building engineering. However, It is still important to consider the issue of environmental protection, only such a design is to meet China’s current requirements for the development of construction design. The article mainly analyzes and expounds the related content of the green building electrical design. It is hoped that through the elaboration and analysis of the article, it can effectively enhance the green design of our country in the electrical design process and at the same time contribute to the further improvement and innovation of the green building in our country.
高血压病又称原发性高血压,以区别于有明确病因导致的继发性高血压。在未服抗高血压药情况下,成年人收缩压≥140 mm Hg和(或)舒张压≥90 mm Hg,并持续该状态者即可诊断。我国是