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美洲贸易自由化与拉美国家的战略选择王晓德1994年12月,在美国总统克林顿的倡议下,美洲34个国家的首脑云集美国的迈阿密,经过讨论和协商,确定了2005年在西半球建立统一的自由贸易区的目标,一场影响拉美国家经济变革的序幕缓缓拉开。几年过去了,尽管西半... American Trade Liberalization and Strategic Options for Latin American Countries In December 1994, at the initiative of U.S. President Bill Clinton, the heads of the 34 nations of the Americas gathered in Miami, the United States. After discussions and consultations, the establishment of a unified freedom in the western hemisphere in 2005 The objective of the trade zone, a prelude to the economic changes affecting Latin American countries, slowly opened. A few years later, despite the West half ...
广告中的男性: 科技的权威,世界的主宰, 广告中,84%的男性角色颐指气使, 而88%的女性角色洗耳恭听。与广告中的女性形象相反,男性的价值不在容貌,不在年龄,不在体形,而在于智
到目前为止,中国出口服装的结构仍然是加工贸易大于一般贸易,专家认为,有以下六大问题困扰着中国的服装出口,必须认真解决。 ——出口服装款式陈旧单调。由于外贸、生产企业
隔河岩水电厂装设4台混流式水轮发电机组,单机容量为300MW,其中1~#、2~#机组从国外进口,3~#、4~#机组由哈尔滨生产。 该厂首台机组已于93年6月4日并网发电,比原计划提前6个
The deep seismic profiling across the Tongling ore district reveals a complex crustal structure. Strong contrasting dipping layered reflections (4—11 s, TWT),w
The fish swimming trail fossils are rare and, therefore, precious. The specimen de-scribed abroad are generally smaller or more poorly preserved. The specimens
Though magmatic origin of Li-F-rich granite has been supported effectively by the existence of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks and melt inclusions trapped in the